not tithing is a ticking time bomb


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, and they eat it all up!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

What if we teamed up to cut his head off in the name of God :)

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boldfart's picture

The people who are stupid enough to pay tithes deserve to be fleeced. How else are these priests going to be able to buy private jets?


Jesus (as far as we know from his recorded words) did not command his disciples to tithe. He was financially supported in his ministry by some of his followers (see Luke 8.3), but there is no mention of an amount or proportion of money given. And in his challenge to the rich ruler in Luke 18.22, he tells the man to sell all that he owns, not just a tenth, and give it to the poor. 

So the money should go to the poor?  Or perhaps those wit only one private jet?

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