Some facts from before the current conflict

daftcunt's picture

Map of the Israel Palestine conflict through time 🇮🇱 🇵🇸

When the war starts the lying gets worse, so let's have a look at some selected data from the past.

Video shows the time lapse of "occupancy of the area".  


Now israel citizens outnumber palestine citizens roughly by 2:1, which makes the following statistic doubly worse.

2008-2020 death/injured comparison:

5,600 Palestinians died while 115,000 were injured, whilst 250 Israelis died and 5,600 were injured, thus the ratios are 22:1 and 25:1 or put in relation to the citizens 44:1 and 50:1  And some people wondered and keep wondering why this kind of thing keeps happening. And why it is getting worse! One can only poke the wouded animal for so long........  


 The Human Cost Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Statista


Average: 2 (4 votes)


norcimo5's picture

Awsome, congratulations!  Lots of finger pointing but no solutions.

Also show us the facts about native americans across the American continent and how they've been displaced over the course of 500+ years, for starters. In the end (if you really think about it) , everyone is occupying someone else's land.

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Pdub's picture

Systematic genocide.

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boldfart's picture

Same thing is happening to us anglos in UK But say nothing or you will be locked up!


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"Same thing is happening to us anglos in UK" 


In which sense it is the same?

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Benign Individual's picture

They have a persecution fetish clearly.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Who is "they"?

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Benign Individual's picture

The Indidividual who stated " Same thing is happening to us anglos in UK "

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boldfart's picture

My bad. Should have typed Celts instead. Anglo Saxons displaced the Celts later..

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jdt73's picture

Well Damn!

Those Arabs seem to loose territory and a bunch of lives every time they launch a war or terror campaign on Israel.


How dare those Jews defend themselves from people who have sworn to kill every Jew where ever they find them.


If I were a Jew is Israel I would definitely take my family to the nearest gas chamber so we could be processed into fertilizer and in that way we would become part of the land. And finally the screeching Arabs would be at peace. Or not, as they do want to spread their religion of peace by the sword to every corner of the globe and only once all are slaves to Allah will there be peace.


Oh how we long for the peace promised by Allah.

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pharb's picture

So if I invaded the US with my hyptothetical army and took a bunch of land, if the US fights back to reclaim it's territories it's "launching a war or terror campaign on Israel"?

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jdt73's picture

say that again but include the Balfour declaration.

Jews were refugees coming home, straight after Hitler tried to eradicate Jews from Europe.

Turns out the Arabs really fuckn hate the Jews.

Something about, once they wipe out the Jews the messiah wil come.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Now imagine you are a Palestinian, and your land is being stolen with violence and they spit on you.

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jdt73's picture

imagine you are not living in a 1st wold country.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

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