Sam Harris, Jesus, and Hunter's laptop?!

Bobbob's picture

Atheists Trusted Sam Harris, Until . . .

Looks like self-appointed intellectual elite have taken it upon themselves  to decide what 'News' is 'Good' for us (careful, there's a double meaning in that).  Wait, how did Hunter Biden and poor Trump get pulled into this? Still, a fun listen. Something for everyone.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

What. You didn't like it?

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jdt73's picture

Harris is a grifter, has been for years.

He will say anything that keeps people buying his books and going to his talks.

He brings no value other than to watch a guy sniffing his own farts.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Indeed. Don't mind Darth. He's just sniffing the air...

for the smelling of farts.

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