Typical brexiter

daftcunt's picture

James O'Brien tries to find out whata Brexit voter thinks they voted for | LBC

His face at the beginning sums it up completely ("I know what's coming", and he was right). 


This is as much pure comedy as it is a cringe fest. 


Average: 3.7 (3 votes)


Benign Individual's picture

Lol, I thought this was a clip from 2017. How are people still going on about this.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why? Because by the looks of it the UK is lower lip deep in the shit and will soon start sipping! There is of course NONE of the money for the NHS that was promised, quite the opposite, the economy is down the drain and they are changing PM's like the working class their underwear.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Would be hillarious, if it only were fiction:

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