Texas Church Mass Shooting


skeptoid's picture

Early indications are that the rampage was likely interrupted by other armed citizens who engaged the suspect. Not surprising for Texas.


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Grothesk's picture

Just an Ameican citizen using guns as they're intended to be used.  What's all the hubbub?

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skeptoid's picture

Some hubub right now about this guy having been stopped by armed citizens - he might have been headed towards beating Paddock's record otherwise. We'll have to wait and see what the details are.

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Grothesk's picture

Looks like the status quo is working perfectly fine.  A few kids and a bunch of Allah-worshippers dead is a small price to pay for our freedumbs.

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skeptoid's picture

Anyone who thinks that freedom doesn't come with a price is fooling themselves. The United States was a country for hundreds of years and never paid this particular kind of price for its freedom. At least very very rarely in the past century. Before Columbine the last major event like that was the Texas Tower Massacre. Why do you think that has changed? What is the origin of this new and very disturbing price that we all seem to have to pay now for our freedom? Something has changed and it's not the amount of guns people possess in the United States.

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Grothesk's picture

Mostly irrelevant questions as nothing at all will change.  Talking about "why is this happening" is a purely academic exercise which leads me to:  what's all the hubbub?

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skeptoid's picture

Understanding the reason why this didn't happen before despite the abundance of guns, yet seems to happen frequently now, is really the only question worth asking. Your "what's all the hubbub" is a way of saying that you already know why this is happening and so does everyone else - cuz guns. But you know that's not true, and I know that's not true, and that the real answer is much more complex and frightening. Guns allow this kind of killing to happen in this particular way - bombs, trucks, blades also work in their own particular ways. I think it has something to do with the inevitable outcome of the intensification of this serious problem:



And this clip provides some additional elaboration. Before that I will also paraphrase what Peterson explained to Rogan when he asked why people do these random shootings targeting people they don't know, and often those perceived to be most "good" or "innocent" (children being the most attractive targets - happens in China with knives regularly): These people are not killing because they've assigned guilt to their victims. They have reached a point of nihilistic Hell where they detest human existence itself, and the best way they see to express that before ceasing to exist is to destroy that which is most innocent (they don't want there to be any confusion that the motive was anything other than hatred of life):


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lawngnome's picture

More inclination from the fame? 

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skeptoid's picture

Could be - certainly the thought of the suffering that will ensue afterwards is a source of pleasure (about the only one left to these types). But usually they don't expect to be around to enjoy that part of it - the mentally ill ones sometimes want to stick around to witness the impact of what they've done. Here's a chilling call from what many suspect was Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook murderer) to a radio show - this is a rare peak inside the highly intellectual and nihilistic mind of a mildly autistic boy who was ramping himself up to go into an elementary school and kill as many little children as he could:



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eh's picture

False flag attack by gun grabbers or he was an antifa member..........if they find out people were killed.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

I know right, thank god there where guns shooting back... i mean only 26 dead *gosh darnit* not enough to make a full 24/7 news cycle even... yeeehaw,,, murica! Anyways nuttn to see here....


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eh's picture

I knew it! The "Frontline of Truth Journalism" is reporting that the church shooting was done by an antifa member and  who was "responsible for allegedly plotting a civil war involving supersoldiers Saturday"



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skeptoid's picture

I hate that shit - Mike C and Jack P and all those morons are fucktards. New details are out today that 14 out of the 26 killed were small children, suggesting they were deliberately targeted; which see JP's explanations above about what motivates this kind of mass killing.

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