White Police Officer Vs. Black EMT Paramedic


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

What happend to the officer? His behaviour was completely unacceptable.

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Pdub's picture

Got a promotion and several weeks vacation with pay and an award for exemplary actions in the field.

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@PoliceEncountersUS's picture

5 Day Suspension Without Pay..he's dead now though. Heart attack after making 2 arrests...imagine that!


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

age 46? Looked like 60+!

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jdt73's picture

Nothing like digging up old footage to justify why BLM have ripped off billions of donations.


All Lives Matter...  a no brainer.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

If he wasn't to lazy to wipe the birdshit off his window he could have seen that those guy's where thug drug trafficers and the body in the back was stuffed full of crack, that they where gonna sell and smoke.

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