Stay classy Putain =/


danman's picture

NATO style bombardment

Unlike NATO's aggressions there were real provocations leading to this, & efforts made to avoid it.



these strikes lasted around 4 hours and ended with a statement from the Russian president as to why they were carried out (Kyiv running several terrorist operations against Russia) & how to avoid it happening again. NATO would have done this for weeks, lying about what they were doing the entire time, as the western press fawned over how righteous it was & made sure you only see glossy promo footage with no sign of any civilian casualties.

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n0val33t's picture
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Did Nato do this? My mistake...... *sigh* yeah but cold war, fall of the berlin wall, depression, Had to drive Taxi, UN, missile shield, 2014...2022 my pretty bridge that's not a legit military target at all!

Heard it all before, so you don't have to repeat your self.

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danman's picture

No, NATO did this, amongst a lot of other things far worse than the video you posted of some damaged dirt. Guess NATO is more classy than Putain?

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Timmy Tosser's picture

Don't overdose on whataboutism, man-baby. 

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n0val33t's picture
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hokay..... why do you edit the shit out of your comments?....... noe one does that, just you! Bad form! Edit spelling or grammar and mistakes!

Yes, i understand Putin is holding back in Kiev, cause he has to or he find himself alone with NK and IRAN as his only go-to. 

Compare Bhagdad with Kiev though? C'mon! 


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danman's picture

that's not why Russia's holding back.

they already have the most US-led economic warfare measures against them of any country.

it has more to do with their goals/policies & how they go about waging war. What's the use in destroying Ukraine - creating a humanitarian crisis in their own periphery..?


can you explain what you mean by "Compare Bhagdad with Kiev though? C'mon! "

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n0val33t's picture
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"that's not why Russia's holding back.

they already have the most US-led economic warfare measures against them of any country.

it has more to do with their policies & how they go about waging war."

Conscripting husks of human beings from disproporsjonal minorities as far away from Moscov as possible? I'm done, this just makes me sad!

Another edit.... how can you resonably reply to a comment that's continiously edited.... make a new comment!


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Timmy Tosser's picture

"Conscripting husks of human beings from disproporsjonal minorities as far away from Moscov as possible? I'm done, this just makes me sad!" Perhaps your best comment ever. 


Du bør ikke kaste bort tiden din med denne idioten. Han bruker denne nettsiden som om det er hans egen propagandakanal.

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n0val33t's picture
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*ler* Jeg ignorerte han i et år......ikke en person en kan diskutere med, alt blir til sirkel argumenter. Hong Kong demonstrasjonene..... orket ikke mer. Blir mer å føkke med fyren, da det blir så dumt.

Så fikk jeg smaken av alkohol, jeg brøt seglet "the holy seal" Jeg kjeder meg........ og jeg tenker ikke riktig. Svarte på både han og paranoid android...... vi var på samme nivå, bare at jeg var bøtte full. 


Han har vært her så lenge, hadde vært morro å se comments en hadde med fyren for 15 år siden. Jeg tror han er true believer..... 


Takk for koplimanget forresten.... *hugs and kisses* (han rabbler fullstendig nå btw)

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danman's picture

For reference, here's how western press presented the destruction of Libya & atttempted assassination of their leader by NATO and their jihadi terrorist affiliates:

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danman's picture

why are you bitching about my adding of a graph to my comment?

seems like you're completely stuck in trying to defend NATO


here's another question for you, why did NATO murder this guy & destroy Libya?


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n0val33t's picture
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Internet etiquette! 


Re. massive edit a comment or post is frown upon, espesially if you have replies. Insted of altering your initial post, you clarify your position with a new comment!....... everyone knows this!




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danman's picture

I don't breach that ettiquette, I sometimes tweak for a minute or 2 & then usually don't touch it, I never edit it after someone's replied. If that's ever happened it's unintentional.

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n0val33t's picture
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Lockerbie and Gold insted of dollars?..... either way France made a serious fuss. Was using fighter planes against civilians and within a snap of a finger it was over! Figher planes to strafe protesters!....... you tell me. 

I like to believe it was Lockerbie, the slaughter of civilians. Maybe it was gold for oil.... thing is you don't know, i don't know. 



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danman's picture

Lockerbie had nothing to do with it & they probably didn't even have anything to do with that either. They did cough up some money for it possibly that was purely a pragmatic thing to do in the circumstance - they were being punished for it regardless.

I have some hunches about why NATO went into Libya, similar to yours with a bit more to it. I mainly wanted to know what you thought.

There was also oil... in a few ways that was relevant - NATO invaded within 2 weeks before Libya's first shipments were about to head out to China. Also France's neocolonialism in NW Africa re: banking & etc.


Anyway, yeah this is a big whataboutism. I just find NATOstan people crying moral outrage over what amounts to minor stuff pretty hard to stomach. The video you posted there is just a hole in the ground.


Considering the amount of missiles fired & targets struck, the reported death toll of 17 is relatively tiny.

infrastructure was hit all over the country, practically in every major city.


of course it sucks that innocents have died. Maybe peace should be a higher priority than weapons company profits & this crazy idea of punishing Russia?


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n0val33t's picture
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Natos sins are for all to see....... can't hide it! Try, but inevitably it's released. Russia has zero sins ZERO!.... how is that possible? 


The hole represets a gruesome intent, and sick messange! That missile was pinpointed there.......not some unguided bullshit missile. 

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danman's picture

> The hole represets a gruesome intent, and sick messange! That missile was pinpointed there.......not some unguided bullshit missile. 

We don't know what intent there was behind whatever caused that hole. We don't even know what kind of bomb hit there or what it was aiming at.

If it was a long-range precision cruise missile like most of the strikes today were, that's an expensive weapon, why waste it on something with less than zero strategic value?

There's also the possibility that it was a stray AA missile fired by Ukraine.

Whoever fired it, the best guess is that it was a stray missile, surely.


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

They blind shoot missiles as far as they can in enemy territory to scare them into fleeing

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danman's picture

any thoughts on this?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yes you are draining my hard earned points

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Pantysoaker's picture
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you 2 need to go to oprah

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danman's picture

SBU Telegram channels are in meltdown mode

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sal9000's picture
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to us, its questionable to bomb a childrens playground but to russians. this is the kind of place where they conscripts from and where they train

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sal9000's picture
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danman's picture

would you like to answer the question or is that outside your comfort zone?

spamming refresh is much safer, maybe stick to that ; )

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sal9000's picture
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the site gives you an error when you try to reply to a comment that no longer exists but if you hadn't have deleted it i would have been able to post this as a reply

i'm still warming up but when you're ready to start the show, you let me know

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danman's picture

I'm ready to see you attempt anything more than being a piece of gum under my shoe

who bombed the playground?

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sal9000's picture
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this guy did

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danman's picture

sure it wasn't this guy?

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Timmy Tosser's picture

JFYI my fancy new badge iis the result of man-baby danny whining to nakey that I was 'baiting' him. The double-standards on this site are a joke. He is recently trying to show a bit more maturity, but wasn't it just a month or so that he was accusing another user of being a "boy fucker"?  Such a role model admin...


Has anyone kept a tally of how many members he has driven off this once fun site? 

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danman's picture

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

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danman's picture

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Shame pictures? petty man :)

Foreighn relations minister / representative of new zealand

Jacinda Ardern appoints first Maori woman as foreign affairs minister

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

That is where you are from right? she represents you, no wonder your main export are fucking kiwis

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danman's picture

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