If System of a Down were from India


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page



Have some members been banned again? 

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

just the one.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Permanently or temporarily, did he threaten to make life hell "from the comfort of his couch" for members he dislikes again?

And why was there no public shaming this time?


Sorry, I know I'm a nosy little cunt.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

ok, it became obvous that skeptoid has some sort of issue. i saw this not only in his comments but his emails to me as well and it's only getting worse. i believe skeptoid using spiked is pernicious, definatly for him but perhaps the site eventually hence i banned him permanently and didn't make a big thing of it. i hope he get's over whatever he's going through.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I think you are correct.


Some 5 years back, before the change over, I found his (alleged) sister's website (doing a web search for specific wording he used in a reply to me), unfortunately I can't find it now otherwise I would have sent her a mail to that effect, some mentally disturbed people can hide their state very well from their families.


If anyone has the old site archived we could try to find it and at least advise her.

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Timmy Tosser's picture

Pernicious indeed. I think you also have a certain site admin with a similar issue and a not so obscure political agenda...


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

yeah but with dan it is different, he is just posting his deluded propagandashit and swears at people that disagree with him. 

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Timmy Tosser's picture

ya ikr, a real model of reason and maturity that one aye.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

I get ya, but..... not in the same boat remotely. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, no, not even close!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

What exactly did skeptoid do? Maybe i missed it, did he post something fucked up? besides usual?

I never realy read his comments.

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sal9000's picture
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skeptoids been spiraling for the past few months. instead of putting up walls of text nobody wants to read, he's been emailing them to nakey

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

What is the need to make ppl conform to your beliefs, in the end none of it matters, no matter how much time you spend here. 

I come off like crazy, but my stories are acctualy true, but i won't force em on anyone because it matters not, even though i would like all ppl to know certain aspects of my life and what i have seen and know.

In that aspect he shows signs of delusion, ppl with psychosis want other ppl to acnowledge their views and don't rest untill they do.

They will use many words to press their views onto others, like an obsessional duty they have to carry out to get a certain high afterwards, a sense of accomplishment, after a hint of confirmation.

We all have that in a scaled down amount, when it grows out of proportion or we are deprived of the feeling in daily life, you go crazy from being (crazy), this last phrase not the best way to put it but you understand, you enter a vicious cycle, that can only be broken by pausing what you are doing and thinking, so banning him is equal to maybe helping him.

Although i think his believes and reasoning skills are flawed.... then only medication can help him calm down and then it is just a matter of supressing symptoms with drug for the rest of his life.

Either he stays in it and he won't be happy or he gets treatment and be drugged, wich could give him a better life, but no real change would be made that way.


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jdt73's picture

never did like SOD so no wurries right?

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n0val33t's picture
front page


With the fucking song combo should be on f... spotify.... this forum is weird or I'm just fucking dumb!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I know a belgian girl who looks exactly like the left girl, and she has no Indian roots, or else the indian girl has belgian blood..

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