Accident At German Steel Plant

sal9000's picture

Accident At German Steel Plant

cool guys don't look at explosions but seriously. those guys are walking like its been 2 days since the last incident

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daftcunt's picture
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When I got my engineering degree it was mandatory to work at a foundary for 3 months. These guys were all hardcore drinkers, some of them had between 5 and 10 litres of beer during the shift and then went out drinking at night. Of course strict no alcohol policy in the factory but because it was extremely hard to get qualified staff the company ignored them.



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n0val33t's picture
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Yes .... you got a few years on me, and we both been trough the drinking years of collegues. ZERO tolerance for alchohol in the last 20 years. It's the same all over with no exceptions! 

When i started as a bricky everyone drank but me...... some 20 years laters, they are either dead or sober! So i picked up drinking @ 40...... 44 now 

Either way, you can't come in smelling of're fired! Been like this for 20 years 

That being said, the boss came over with a boomblaster and several cases of beer lifetime ago..... once the project was done! ..... then he fucking sponsored a trip to island! .... i got pictures!



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