Seems like science is infected everywhere with this


boldfart's picture

What a waste of a good skin. They could have housed a thinking being.


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skeptoid's picture

I make a comment that Daft Cunt is using Boldfart's account details to rate videos and right on cue, here is Boldfart commenting again. Hey Bolfart - maybe you should have checked with your daddy before commenting - this channel is one of his personal favorites. He's posted it several times to Spiked.


You only know what to rate here and say here by rote, so I forgive your foolishness. I don't hold any grudge against you - you've been abused enough by him already.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oh paranoid, you are such a desperate pathetic little twat. Want a downvote and a 1 star? happy to help!

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skeptoid's picture

You seem angry - just don't take it out on her.

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boldfart's picture

You have used two different (and incoorect) versions of my login, are you sure they are not some of your sock accounts?

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