The fruits of your Hegelian labor


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

.....and here I thought you were embarrassed enough not to return. Needless to say nobody really missed you (like irl) but at least you are in good company here.


btw not a single beanyhat submission in your absence, also none of you favourite pseudo scientist and only very few fox news, let's keep it that way, shall we. But we won't, obviously.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Hegelian.....  Welcome back i guess..... When this dingbat read some philosophy which happened about 7 months ago!


it hasn't stopped......on and on and on and drunken embarrassing nonessential incoherent vitriolic rablings is more .....sensible!



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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

It'll make more sense once you can't eat.


3 bags of frozen veg deal went up by nearly $3.00 in one week. 


Was about $8.00 last week. Now $10.49


Buckle up.


Potash train was just derailed in Canada too.

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

Nakey should have tossed the multiplier dice, man.

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skeptoid's picture

According to Nakey, it was I who rolled the dice. But yes, the dice I roll are non-upgradable and lack the many faces we see with the first comment on this post. 

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