Azovstal surrender footage

danman's picture

Evacuated Azovstal servicemen arrive in Ukraine's Novoazovsk, some wounded

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has officially recognized the surrender of 264 people from Azovstal.

They are now apparently POWs although whether all are protected under Geneva Conventions is unclear.

Proper UAF will be treated in accordance with the usual laws of POWs. Neo-nazi militants may not be so lucky.

Rumour has it that the 53 wounded are to be exchanged for Russian POWs while some of the 211 others who've surrendered today will likely face trial.



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Timmy Tosser's picture

These guys are the bravest of warriors and will go down in history and remembered in the same vein as the 300 spartans. Unbelievale that they held out for as long as they did, despite all of your previous pathetic and false claims that it was over... You are the lowliest of cowards.

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jdt73's picture

Hiel Hitler?

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danman's picture

they surrendered unconditionally after weeks of hiding in a bunker like rats, using women & children as human shields & begging anyone who'd listen to help them avoid capture. They even sent their wives to go begging for a way out. This was after years of tough talk & shelling civilian neighbourhoods with ethnic supremacist motives. ThE bRaVeSt WaRrIoRs!

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Timmy Tosser's picture

cool story coward

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danman's picture

They hid in a bunker like rats, begged for a way out & surrendered when they ran out of food.

Unsurprising that you'd try & defend NATO's neo-Nazis but calling them "brave warriors" is peak reddit.

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n0val33t's picture
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Nazi's ate scrap, the food went to cililians. Water went to civilians...... emaciated shells of men would rather die than give up. When the civilians where evacuated safely...... shot to shit, no food or water.....nazis?! Soldiers handing out rations to civilians.....before they took a bite...... nazi? 


They might have come in with supremasist idelogy, they left with something entirely different! 




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danman's picture

they're leaving as POWs & the Duma is espected to vote tomorrow on disallowing Nazi units to be exchanged in any prisoner swap deals.

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Timmy Tosser's picture

enjoy your wee coward moments, wanker.

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danman's picture




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jdt73's picture


Glory of Ukaine.

Seig Heil?

we are sending them money and arms.

What for?

Do we want to be feeding this war?

Here in NZ? seriouly, after covid social spending, we are living in a scared shell.

Our government has only one goal; and that is to retain power.

the war if in our faces.


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n0val33t's picture
front page

War in central Europe is as unholy as war in the US!


There is no room or patience for it! A skirmish.... ok, but a war!?! Unacceptable, never again!

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n0val33t's picture
front page

I have more relatives in Russia than this guy :P WW1 some fucking nutbag on the family tree vent to Russia fought and survived.... and "thrived" 


FyI great great grandfater was a communist, grandpa and my father.... and 


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