60 Pentagon biolabs around Russian & Chinese borders


nakedslave's picture

We already know and they have already admitted in court about the Biolabs in Ukraine.  The question is... are they Bioweapon labs.

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danman's picture

some are, yes. At least to the point where weapons are being designed & made - just look at where the anthrax came from in 2001 which led to a sketchy investigation and propaganda campaign for the Iraq war but the anthrax itself was a highly boosted variant that came from a Pentagon lab.

weaponization is very much a grey area & US operates under a thick cloud of secrecy.

US has been holding up the international efforts to make this stuff more transparent for decades.

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Timmy Tosser's picture

Nice. More "facts on the ground"! Facts I tell ya! 100% pure, hard, cold, facts!


We are all so lucky to have such incredible on the ground intel from our wumao shill..

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danman's picture

don't be scared, homie

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I'm under the impression the anthrax was just a psyop. Amp up those 9/11 fears and vaccume that American support to lash out.


The "anthrax Victims" of course died, but more from the pew pew than the spew spew.


They really pulled all the stops for war support during that time.


I remember I was just a kid when that happened. Had a paper route, and a few doors had notes to leave the paper outside in case of anthrax lol.

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danman's picture

We'll never know for sure I don't think. It's strange that they'd use a form of anthrax that only the US govt had, if it was intended to be pinned on Saddam or al Qaeda without getting debunked. Still a lot of questions around it.


It was definitely used as a psyop to boost support for invasion of Iraq but whether it originated solely for that purpose is hard to say.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Might have been so psyched that there was no anthrax. Just some powder, paid/black mailed experts to say the words and make the reports, and a few death certificates and photos.


Or maybe there was anthrax. False flags can go either way. Usually done with least effort for maximum effect. Real if neccessary, but real also creates more mess and requires more specialists to clean it up.


But there are always clues and results when it contains an agenda.

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sato's picture

the pentagon doesn't own or run any labs, just as it doesn't own or run boeing, raytheon, or pfizer. what happens is organisations can request public funding for projects through DARPA, either at their own behest or in support of a contract tendered by the pentagon to provide something. you'll remember DARPA rejected a request for funding to study bat coronaviruses at the wuhan lab. even the recent business with hunter biden didn't involve the pentagon sending hunter out to build a lab, it was the other way around, getting money from the pentagon for a private company to build a lab, in exchange for access to information on whatever that company chose to study there. similarly, although the pentagon could and did fund research at the wuhan lab, it did not own the lab or direct what went on there.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yeah but they need propaganda, so it is all bad...

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