Pig fight off bear


skeptoid's picture

Those pigs could easily kill a child under the age of 10.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

yeah take a pig over anyone here! Apparently the kan throw down against a wasly superior creature, unlike the dingdongs at spike.... wait a week before someone has formed a loaded wacky opinion, like a big load of cum on an unwitting performer! Completely silent for a week @ the start of the war before....... opinions!  Seriously, look back... not a single post in the first week!. Once the BIG Jizz faced choire whores pundits opened their mouth the posts came. Notice a certain individual's been more an more blaintant with his diiingdong


Pause for some circus music!!



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skeptoid's picture

The white pig looks like it weighs more than the bear. It's so weird that there are about a half dozen members here who hate the site, hate the members, hate themselves and yet keep showing up here. Can you explain it?

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pharb's picture

I've been here for who knows how long, long as I can remember being on the internet, but I must say I agree, there's so much negativity here nowadays, gone are the days where exploder posted a cool vid and we talked about how cool it was and shared some related knowledge / jokes that was it.


Now, it seems like every inoccuous posts triggers a completely unrelated war in the comments section that has more  history to it than the arab israeli conflict, most of which goes over my head. 


I really miss the old days, and I'm afraid (although the site has shown a great deal of tenacity), that eventually some of the top contributors will just throw in the towel because it's too toxic here and the site will die.


We can do better spiked!

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Pdub's picture

I think the toxicity increases with age, personally.  Also, the world has been going to shit according to the media.  Maybe Spiked can have a non-political month or something where no Dore/Carlson/Biden/Putin or any political viral war content can be posted and we can have some fun again.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Il vote for that

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pharb's picture

I think you're right about the age comment, people get hurt by the world and their experiences. As they age they become bitter, losing their youthful exuberance, patience, optimisim and willingness to give others the benefit of the doubt as they fall into the rat race that is adult life. It's something I notice in myself too and try to fight every day! But part of the way I try to fight it is to come to spikedHUMOR for some laughs and good times, I hope it can stay that way :)

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n0val33t's picture
front page

It's an age thing absolutely, everyone here is in their 40's ish...... might as well be hormonal teenagers. Middle age you become all kinds of things. Overestimating your self.... big nr1. 2. knowing everything 3...... mostly about your dick, same as a teenager!. 4. Has sub categories married, single and forever alone. 


The forever alone is really really into everything, Sigle/divoreced: no real pattern really. 3..... If you have a mircropenis like the ding dong duo, you meet up here every day at the hour posting clips before you managed to fully watch said clip. 


Posting clips back to back = ?!!! 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"It's so weird that there are about a half dozen members here who hate the site, hate the members, hate themselves and yet keep showing up here."


Coming from you? You should be able to explain to yourself why you "show up" here despite this.......

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skeptoid's picture

I'm not the one who arranges blanket rating campaigns drawn along political lines or just to obsess over a personal grudge. That's you and your friends. The rest of us just want to post videos and talk about the content. You and your friends oppose the very idea of people doing a simple thing like that at a foundational level. The purpose of this site is to post videos, rate them honestly, and discuss the content. Why are you here?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"I'm not the one who arranges blanket rating campaigns drawn along political lines or just to obsess over a personal grudge. That's you and your friends." 

If this were the case the difference between you and me would be that I actually have friends on here.



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n0val33t's picture
front page

edit: hate some!


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n0val33t's picture
front page

EDIT: SOME, 90 % of you cunts are ok

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

Bear sneaks in there for some food, too stupid to know that pigs is like, the best food on the planet.

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