Classic Abduction Protection System

Needless_Kane's picture

Trunk Monkey Alien Abduction

I forgot to buy the trunk monkey add on protection system

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Pdub's picture

Unrelated, but you ever notice Aliens don't abduct black people?

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gardendaleguy's picture

..also unrelated, but now related because you somehow made it related...anyhoo..ive been writing a 'movie script' for an 'african-american sci-fi' (because sci fi black hasnt been done least to my knowledge), and i think you just inspired the whole damn plot with that question: "why don't aliens abduct black people?" ...and will not have anything to do with Tyler Perry, BUT will probably feature Kevin Heart, as he is the current 'Big' thang 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

You'll make sure Pdub gets tickets to the Hollywood premiere though, right?

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