my hometowns freedom convoy

sal9000's picture

Cornwall, Ontario, Canada Bridge protest by Canadians And Akwesasne Mohawks Natives! Ottawa protests

didn't even think about it, heard a couple of toots on saturday. tractors came from 30k away, you don't block that bridge. we got rcmp in town and the bridge leads to a native reservation first before america, 12k natives and they got more guns than the 47k that live in the city

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stokkebye's picture

Aint got the balls to talk shit to them?

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sal9000's picture
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didn't know they were in town, unless your going to cross, or you live right there, you have no reason to drive that way.

i'd talk shit to them. i do it at work all the time. same way, they go like this


i tap on the plexiglass that divides us and i asked them who told us to put it up, who told us to have customers wear masks, they say trudeau, i point to the wall where i have the order from the eastern ontario health unit, and explain to them that they get orders from doug ford, the provincial government, they usually hem and haw for a few seconds then go onto say its about the vaccine mandate, then i point out to them that nobody other than federal employes or hospital staff are required to get vaccinated. then they say its about the truckers themselves having to do quarentine coming back from america because they're not vaccinated, i tell them they can't even enter anymore, then they say  its trudeau's fault america is requiring vaccination, i tell them that america deciced in october of last year, america decided anyone flying into america, required vaccination, a month later in november, america put out a notice saying in january, anyone driving into america was going to require vaccination, so in december, trudeau decided to return the favor. from there, it either goes to scripture or they call it and leave, luckly i only deal with regulars where no feelings are hurt after yelling and finger pointing

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stokkebye's picture

Oh please, one sentence from trudeau and they would lift everything. Its a top down system of rank and file in both countries. Just like here in the state, the underlings and agencies push the agenda of the prez and if someone steps out of line they get their fundings cuts and reps dont get on committees. 

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stokkebye's picture

I visited a woman I knew up there once. She lived right on the river. She said the RCMPs would go knocking on peoples doors asking if they saw boat runners. She saw them a few times, boats coming across from the Res and people jumping off and running into Canada. I went across that bridge but it was night time and I didnt get to see much, was there a casino there? 

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