Insane Leftist Anti-protestor cries like a baby


danman's picture

both guys were humilated, how can you tell which one is a "leftist"?


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nakedslave's picture

Only a leftist would be against freedom. That's how one would tell.

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danman's picture

Ah yes, all authoritarians are leftists. Must be.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Don't you know according to the alt right tards neo nazis were leftists........

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danman's picture

workers protesting for labour rights seems pretty leftist to me.

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skeptoid's picture

"Don't you know according to the alt right tards neo nazis were leftists........" - Daft Cunt, Spiked Nation, February 14, 2022

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Who to be prouder of. The sad sleep deprived fuck who can't access his meds and stole a flag from a 13yr old girl (apparently) or the peaceful pacifist with soggy gloves who brought his 13yr old girl to the protests in the first place only to wind up wrestling in the snow and mud with a potential psycho. Can we agree bringing kids along to a potentially volatile situation isn't the best idea please.

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stokkebye's picture

I grew up going to union strikes with my dad. His union would support other unions during their strikes. We'd get hotdogs and soda and walk around carrying signs. Really learned alot going to those events. Kids should see what is going on and be a part of it. Kids figure shit out and know a lot more shit than you would think. So how about fuck off with your elitist BS. Those are not your kids, thank god, so mind your own shit. Nothing should get volatile as its a peaceful protest you tard, only people calling for violence is tards like you and the tards in the vid getting arrested. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

elitist.. moi?

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calling for violence.. wtf dude, you get ahold of Trudeau's 'quick, call them nazi' playbook?  I'll accept 'tard', but that's just for engaging/responding to you.

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skeptoid's picture

"elitist.. moi?" - Bobbob


The people in the grips of mass formation psychosis are already having difficulty sleeping and the trucker convoy protest just gives them an excuse, a focal point for their anxiety, and I think you know that. You try to play this video clip up as two equivalencies when it's obvious that one person has retained their sanity and their peaceful orientation towards their fellow man while the other has literally gone Stark raving mad. It's no surprise to me that the person who tried to play off forcing their way into someone's home and injecting them with a needle as a simple playful reality of the social contract wouldn't have much of an issue with theft and harassment of a 13-year-old girl.

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lawngnome's picture

Those vaccine passport supporting nazis really have an issue with young people getting involved with this and voicing their opinion.

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