Veterans speak out about freedom protest.


danman's picture

grey hair & he stlil beleives western soldiers "stand up for freedom & democracy around the world"

no hope.

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sato's picture

grey hair and he still believes western soldiers stand up for freedom and democracy around the world. correct. we don't shoot protestors, which is why the west will always rule the world. stifling dissent means regression is guaranteed.

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danman's picture

western military has been butchering people in & around west asia for 20 years straight for nothing other than imperialism, the result being a death toll in the high hundreds of thousands or low millions with over 39-57 million displaced.

you have to be willfully ignorant to believe that "spreading freedom & democracy" horseshit, and bloody idiot to be trying to claim a moral high ground.


take a peek at what the aussies got up to in afghanistan, silly weeb

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sal9000's picture
front page

fighting for freedom and fighting dementia

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stokkebye's picture

Over 5K vets showed up to Standing Rock, scared the shit out of the government. Govt does not fuck with vets, they know how to fight back! 

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lawngnome's picture

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