OK Now Put Away The Swastikas

Boomshackalacka's picture

Liberal MP speaks out on vaccine mandates, calls for roadmap to end restrictions

Canada getting it squared away. Now the white supremicists, nazis, and right-wing fuckjobs can detach themselves from their movement and commit suicide. Real Canadians aren't with the anti-vaxxer nazi assholes terrorizing their capital, they have one of the higher vaccination rates in the world.

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Boomshackalacka's picture
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stokkebye's picture

Hmm, goes nuts talking about flags but no mention of the left wing loonie running people over with his suv. You know, like real violence.

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skeptoid's picture

Read the self-conscious description - LMAO!

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Milque toast. They will push forward the digital ID and cashless system anyway.


If any of it remains we are not free. 


We have won the first offensive.

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nakedslave's picture

Tyranny leader telling us what to do. Swastika flags?   There was 1 of them and they got kicked out. These are bad actors. Probably antifa.  The dude that did a hit and run was a antifa

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

A bit of context for the non-Canadians. Joel Lightbound is a Liberal MP, at the Federal (pancanadian) level, and originally from Quebec I believe. Here he's speaking up against the governing party (his) as well as provincial authorities (not necessarily his, e.g. in Quebec) saying that it's time for a clear roadmap, with defined and measurable milestones to get Canadian society back to whatever the new normal is. Very nicely said in any case. 

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stokkebye's picture

Yeah those Quebecers are known for loving the Federal govt. 

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warriorcookie's picture

Oh yeah, those Saudi Oil lovin Toad Suckers can't get enough of the sweet sweet transfer payments that flow from the federal teet...  Tabarnak!

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

When Stokkebye completely misses the point, it's just cute. Lookit, he even spelled Quebecers correctly. How can you stay mad.  But I expect more from you. So be nice or we'll turn off the water and you won't be able to wash your @ss.  As for the transfer payments, Quebec premier Legault is in firm negotiations with Alberta premier Jason Kenney, at this very moment. In return for taking in more than blond-pink Ukranian or Polish looking immigrants, Alberta will take in more of the ones that, well ...don't.. look like that and in return QC will teach AB how to separate from Canada to avoid those transfer payments that go to provinces with most of the new arrivals/poorer immigrants. Remember that those who can't,.. often teach.  ;-)

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warriorcookie's picture

That's funny right there!  You're ok Frogman!

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skeptoid's picture

There's only back to normal there is no such thing as figuring out what the new normal is. Figuring out what the new normal is is what idiots like you have been trying to do for 2 years and what's been going on the last week and a half is US telling you that there will not be a new normal. There will only be normal or your life is going to be fucked up for the foreseeable future. 


Hey aren't you a big Jordan Peterson fan?


You said you would provide context for non-canadians but what you wrote was very generic - like what a person from another country would write after having read a paragraph or two in some reference about Canada's current political situation.

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