I'm vaccinated, I have COVID, it's a challenge - please get vaccinated


bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

So he feels fine and has no symptoms  wouldn’t have known unless tested or informed.

And yet some the fuck how , his passport would have protected others at the restaurant/brewery .and in no way could anyone working there catch it from him ...

reasons = “ the science  “

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"....his passport would have protected others at the restaurant/brewery .and in no way could anyone working there catch it from him ..."


NOBODY (that counts) EVER said something so outrageously stupid! Only antivaxxers CLAIM this was said.....

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skeptoid's picture

So you're saying Rachel Maddow doesn't matter? Do you know how many Urban liberals watch that show?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"So you're saying Rachel Maddow doesn't matter?"


yes, similar to rogan


"Do you know how many Urban liberals watch that show?"


no, and I really, REALLY don't care!


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

The passport is for your OWN protection

, how this works? i will explain it because you might not have understood it even though we are 2 years in the pandemic...


-You don't have a passport don't mix with ppl in crowded places, you may die.

-You want to continue to live normaly get vaxxed for your own good.


These 2 things are for you, not others, just you.


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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

I can get a passport for a couple of days with a negative COVID test.

Maybe thats just some sciency stuff I don't get, but how does that protect me?

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danman's picture

by keeping you away from people you could catch it from?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Like Trudeau here, who was vaccinated and supposedly had a passport?

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danman's picture

he probably got it from his kids

but it's nothing like a foolproof system, it's more of a numbers game

politicians may use marketing-type language like "keeps you safe" but you gotta parse that shit, it doesn't mean you can't catch it, it more just reduces your chances, which keeps the community more safe, which in turn keeps you more safe

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Well, I feel safer already. 

It's not really a numbers game anymore, just waiting for it to spread through the world and be done with it. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"....just waiting for it to spread through the world and be done with it. "


Probably not gonna happen, there's a good chance this will stay with us like the flu.


Also I agree a "passport" for this is not a great idea. The whole sharade must end and those that want to get vaccinated get vaccinated and those who don't don't. Vaccination proof should be part of everybody's persona medical file and not public domain.

The only thing I would I make sure is that the vaccinated get priority in emergency room and ICU covid treatment. They deserve this privilege as they did their social duty and took a risk for it (as minimal as this actually is).

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danman's picture

I agree the vaccine passport is a pretty stupid idea.

If there's gonna be a passport system it should be based on your actual risk factor - IE a recent negative test & no close contacts with anyone who's positive. That would make sense where zero-covid policy was in play, which it's not in our countries.


I think the vaccine mandate/passport policy is just a blunt tool to boost vaccination rates. People are being punished because we don't trust our governments... wonder why that is.

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skeptoid's picture

I'm really touched that you care about protecting me but I'll protect myself. So this is all resolved now we can just go back to normal right? You're so incredibly foolish.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Vaxxed can you don't

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