mom mad about kids suspension over using the n word


stokkebye's picture

No word should get you suspended from school. No one alive has ever owned a black slave. Kids today say nigger all the time as it is in music and what not. Play any pc game and you will hear nigger coming from kids all the time. Its because it is taboo. Anything that is taboo will be done in excess when it can be done. Thats why kids in the USA go off to college and binge drink till they get poisoned.


Best thing to do is to not over-react and play it down. I bet now kids in that school are going to be scribbling it all over the walls and shit.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You, Clifford, are the white equivalent, a wigger, a person nobody apart from fellow wiggers wants around. Listen to Chris Rock ranting about little shits like you, especially starting from 2:07:


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stokkebye's picture

What are you talking about? 

Straws Grasping at you are - Yoda | Meme Generator

Nigga you crazy - Black Guy Laughing xoxo | Meme Generator

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I am talking about you, Cliff, a white nigger.

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stokkebye's picture

I dont dress or act black, Im not culturally appropriating black people. Those that do are called "wiggers", as you say. White people that act like "niggers" are called white trash. Damn, Dumbcunt, you are fucking old! You old ass turd! 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

If you don't want to be called a wigger, why do you constantly act like one?

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Pdub's picture
At least she didn't say "N word".
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