mom going to bring every gun to school because of masks

sal9000's picture

Mom Threatens School Members Over Mask Mandates #Shorts

also, new study out. people with depression are more likely to believe in covid misinformation


Average: 4 (4 votes)


skeptoid's picture

Sal is this your way of telling us that you're depressed?

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nakedslave's picture

A lot of mockingbirds on this website.


Study shows we did more damage to the economy and we killed more people (suicide) from doing lockdown for 2 years. Then what COVID did.    These studies were done by the top 3 university in USA (Harvard, Standford and one last I forgot its name)   

Your state Media owned by Goverment doesn't want you to know this.  <-- click on link you Mockingbirds.

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danman's picture

I think most people on here know what Project Mockingbird is, although it's harder to tell what's going on today in terms of covert control of the media. There's likely enough govt agents within the US mainstream corporate media that it's de facto state media on topics of foreign policy & then on domestic topics it's more factional but still loads of political & commercial a hyper capitalist system like US most things can be bought, including access to propaganda machinery.


Here's an article with some links to show the lockdowns etc may end up causing more death in the US than the COVID disease -


There's also data from US CDC showing that 1.5 years has been shaved from the average life expectancy & other data from US CDC showing a 40% increase in overall death of ages 18-64.


I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case tbh - that more deaths in US result from the response to COVID than the disease itself. As China has been experiencing multiple outbreaks there's some chatter among their experts about how strict measures only work if you can remain at close to zero. If they were to lose control it'll be interesting what to see what they do there. They tend to calculate the shit out of things & then execute the plan without fucking around. It's a different populace though, compliance & govt trust is ridicuously high... but still we'd get some more clues on how best to handle things once the govt loses control.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why don't you post a direct link tho this study?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

"also, new study out. people with depression are more likely to believe in covid misinformation"


Lol, I believe that!

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Sooo misinformation is good for you if depressed? Cheers you up a bit ? 

I wouldn’t know , the only information I received is fact checked and approved by government also endorsed by multinational corporations and international bankers ....and Hollywood. 

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stokkebye's picture




These fuckers get paid billions of our tax dollars to sit around all day thinking up of ways to fuck with us and they have been at it for almost 70 years now, probably longer. 

Anyways, people are starting to snap, on both sides. 


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"Anyways, people are starting to snap..."

Like you, Clifford?

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