all my critics are cia


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

That is the problem with people reading the news to their viewers, they read what they like and leave out what they don't like....


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skeptoid's picture

It's so weird - Jimmy starts calling wokeists out explicitly and look at at them go, eh? These Dore videos have already been posted, in their entirety. Why not make your comments there? I watched 30 minutes of this - this guy focuses on everything but backing up the claims he's making about Jimmy like you guys frequently do when you make claims. He also seems to miss that Jimmy is basically channeling a position supported and pushed by Max B from the Greyzone.


That's why he has him there - I don't really trust Max, but the idea that people are being paid to conduct information warfare against those challenging the establishment's COVID exploitation and the narratives that go along with it is not at all a crazy notion and anyone intelligent knows that.


The second video is a repost that gets it wrong right from outset - Jimmy is pro-vaccine. He's just anti-mandate and like most people who bothered to check instead of responding like scared sheep he knows much of what's gone on around these "NEW" vaccines has been a money-grab scam. So much money behind this now - Pfizer made 33 billion last year. You don't think they have some cash to throw around to promote their interests. I don't think even you are that stupid.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

again, you got it wrong, "Jimmy", like crowder and all the others is pro views because it earns him money, nothing else. He hangs his flag in the wind where the most revenue comes from, and that is with whatever conspiracy is most popular with the "covid deniers". 

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sato's picture

sure that's why he alienated all his bernie bro supporters by turning his back on bernie when it became clear his ideology didn't match. idiots claim he went from being pro-bernie to anti-bernie, calling it a flip-flop or "following the wind", of course ignoring the reason that he did so was to remin true to his ideals, which haven't changed.

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skeptoid's picture

Yes everyone who stands on principle gets smeared as a grifter by this asshat. Meanwhile Pfizer made 33 billion last year.

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stokkebye's picture

I dont know why you keep wasting your time with this loser, he is basically a troll at this point. 

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stokkebye's picture

Watch as I disprove a conspiracy with another conspiracy! LOL

Magician GIFs | Tenor

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danman's picture

jimmy > the serfs

at least he says some real shit sometimes & has on some decent guests who should really be on msm

other than covid stuff he's been on a roll for a year or 2

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