uk's finest, protests at test site


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

She could get 10 or more if she took any personal data, see if she smiles then, fuckin retards, not a single normal human in that croud

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stokkebye's picture

Good for them! But they really should be wearing masks so they dont end up getting arrested later.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Fucking hell, the retardedness!


It is really time to lift all covid restrictions and only prioritise access to emergency rooms and ICUs. 

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UnholyChicken's picture

There is no vaccine mandate in UK, other than for health workers. The only place they must wear a mask is in shops. The covid 'passport' is a requirement to have a negative flow test. There is no lockdown.

Jeff Wyatt, the guy leading this has been wearing a yellow star and comparing it to the holocaust... beggars belief



boris and co have been caught dishing out our money to their mates, investigated themselves and decided they did nothing wrong.

The police and crime bill is passing the house.

- stop and search anyone without reason

- right to protest will be at the discretion of the government.

- repealing the human rights act.

trying to install the dailymail edditor as the UK media regulator

russian millionares can pay to meet with government ministers


no protests for any of that

This bunch of twats will vote for them again next time.

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stokkebye's picture

Oh shit, that doesnt sound good. 

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