yeah it's real.

Nakey's picture

Real Dick Vs. Dildo Challenge

yes this is literally a dude trying to tell if he has a dido or real dick in his arse.


go youtube!

Average: 4.6 (5 votes)


Seamonkey89's picture

This is ok, but even talking about COVID or Election Fraud will get your channel striked or removed. Youtube, if you didn't have double standards, you wouldn't have any standards at all.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This is not correct. Only if you clearly spread false information or conspiracy theories your shit MAY be removed. Plenty of all of that still on there if that floats your boat.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

That's a little naive. YouTube seems to arbitrarily decide what constitutes 'protected' groups and routinely takes down videos that go against the narrative du jour. For instance, you can find videos openly calling for the death of apostates but heaven forbid you publish a video critical of a certain religion of peace.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

bullshit, plenty of stuff criticising islam (and other religions) on there as well as plenty of radical islamistic (and other religious) stuff taken down. Only the far, far right, as well as the far, far left and most outrageous conspiracy shit gets more reliably removed. The conspiracy or political fanboy nutters just don't look into the mirror first but love to point their fingers at others.



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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

can't we just appreciate the fact that two dudes are playing "here comes the anal plane" with something the size of a london bus tastefully adorned with a prince albert?


bobbob's right though. considering the current youtube environment this thing flew so far under the radar that dude's certianly picking rocks and probably a scuffed up cock ring out of his arse.


edit: i'm changing that "splendidly adorned" to "tastefully adorned" because i think it sounds funnier.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

oh shit, i nearly forgot!

today i'm announcing a new spikednation competition called "spiked video of the year" where you can win something i will make and send out to the winner!

tell you what boys and girls, think i kinda got this years in the bag.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"can't we just appreciate the fact that two dudes are playing "here comes the anal plane" with something the size of a london bus tastefully adorned with a prince albert?"


I did by vigerously masturbating to it! No homo!


Regarding the other twats: What is exactly removed without good reason (other than some copyright claims and bullshit like it for which many channels suffer)?


I don't think any covid claims that have any scientific substantiation have, or voter fraud claims that actually ARE based on evidence.


Regarding crowder (before anyone brings the cunt up): that guy spreads so much misinformation that I am surprised yt hasn't done anything about it in the past years.


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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah. no. For any others who are suffering an amnesiac episode, hypocrisy is alive and well on YouTube surrounding this and other topics.  All religions are not created equal, folks. Our ability to critique them, using a non-violent approach; including satire and mockery is the hallmark of our western/european values. We're civilized.  I mean, a guy got beheaded for showing a cartoon only last spring ffs.  Case in point, see this banned video that is posted and reposted again by other users on YouTube.



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n0val33t's picture
front page

You know how to find em, ffs man! Had to watch it though ^^ 

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

yeah, i really had to dig deep for this one.


went in hard so to speak.


really probed away for something special.


and, i'm spent.

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Seamonkey89's picture

and who is it that determines your video is spreadying false or misleading information? ~Youtube's vested interests in legacy media. You don't need to be a genius to see that this is a recipe for disaster. 



Youtube =  the minstry of truth. They decide what is real, and what is false. what is misleading, and what is accurate. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Owned by Google, so yeah, they pretty much have us by the highly-realistic-dildo-balls. I see a lot of people have gone onto the video (on YouTube) to downvote it. 

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Owned by Alphabet INC 

got us by the silicone lubed nuts for sure 

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jdt73's picture

Asshole is a vent not a port.

Fucking perverts

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jdt73's picture

down vote if you think an asshole is designed for luggage

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