The Jimmy Dore Prophecy


boldfart's picture

Trump has won,  if you belive that you would even belive skeptoid!

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sato's picture

yeah but orange man bad! there i won the argument and you're terrible if you vote trump.

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skeptoid's picture

It's amazing how much damage a small minority of nihilist losers can manage.

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sal9000's picture
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remember when jimmy spit on alex jones or when jimmy was pushing that joe biden was part of a black face skit?

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skeptoid's picture

Ya that was awesome - I laughed to tears when he spit in Alex Jones' face. It's what got me to start following him.


Remember when Jimmy Dore spent three weeks screaming ACAB at the top of his lungs while applauding the attempted vehicular homicide of police officers? Do you notice how Ron Placone hasn't appeared for some time. I think it's for the same reason I stopped watching Dore for two months and unsubscribed. Disgust. Every issue Jimmy cares about relates somehow to something that happened in his personal life that he's pissed off about. That's it lol. Don't think I don't know what Jimmy Dore is - I do. He's useful.

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sal9000's picture
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It's amazing how much damage a small minority of nihilist losers can manage.

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skeptoid's picture

So you agree?

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sal9000's picture
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that wasn't about jimmy

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skeptoid's picture

So why be shy? Use your words. Who do you think I'm referring to as a minority of nihilist losers, and who am I supposed to think you're referring to as a minority of nihilist losers?

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sal9000's picture
front page

i think you'll get it in a few more minutes

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skeptoid's picture

Actually I'm usually good at decoding you but sorry got nothing. You realize I wasn't referring to Jimmy either - he's not a nihilist. Did you think he was? In case you're also confused I was referring to the people these two are discussing - you should watch this. Sorry you're feeling too timid to have an actual discussion. It's hard to believe someone like you wouldn't understand what these two men are discussing:


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