One guy fighting against Tesla!

stokkebye's picture

Tesla Hacker: The Rogue Mechanic Taking On Tesla

  I love this kind of stuff like the Apple repair guy fighting back against Apple. I am in the camp of believing that when you buy something you should own it completely and be able to repair it!   

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thegent's picture
Discord user

ive seen this guys youtube before and i understand that if you own something you should have a right to fix it yourself...but...this is a high tech machine that drives on roads where there are other people involved and can be very least can be very dangerous in the wrong hands or repaired in the wrong hands..this is not comparable to an apple phone in this context..but i see the point and i hope they eventually allow 3rd party repair shops.

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stokkebye's picture

You could say the same about motor vehicles RIGHT NOW! I do all the repairs on my vehicle, if I dont do it right I could get into an accident jus tthe same as a tesla could. I really dont see how your argument holds up here.

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danmanjones's picture

Maybe there's a threshold as far as automation - the motor isn't really the issue, it's more about the level of control the car re: safety. If they allow people to tinker with the electronics things could go wrong & they'd be on the hook, in PR terms at the very least.


To make things fixable, even by licensed auto-mechanics, there's likely a shitload of cost in development & getting it legalised. FYI I haven't watched the video, only read the comments. :p

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thegent's picture
Discord user

i agree

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Dagambit's picture

To me, it comes with repuatition to reliability. Tesla Junked the car and rated it salvage. All it takes is for this guys car to catch fire, explode, autopilot just run into a building, kill a bunch of people and the GAS industry will have the news replaying it 24/7 on every channel to show the brand Tesla is not safe to own. 


I believe that is why Tesla gives him limited support and won't turn on all the features to his vehicle. With good cause as well. 

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thegent's picture
Discord user

i agree

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Probably there are no regular roadworthyness tests where you live.

This has little to nothing to do with  road safety*. It has with You buy something and it is yours.  This is like GM saying you cannot change your oil or or your brake pads. This is the main reason I would never buy a tesla.


*Except for welding 2 vehicles together (if this is his intention). Major accident projects should be done in specialised (not necessarily factory) shops. If he has the tools and knowledge then it is fine 

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thegent's picture
Discord user

ah lads its not the same at all i know what youre saying but electric cars are a new thing..ok they are not because the oil industry killed them off a hundred years ago but thats another story..but they really are a new thing argument holds up because they have electric engines with very powerful batteries in them..can you repair an electric engine to road worthyness Stokkebye? if you can well done but there are literally millions of people who can repair a petrol or other engined car but not an eletric one..

Daftcunt there are probably close to hundreds of millions who can change oil in a car..can you replace a lithium ion battery? and Daftcunt i did say

'i understand that if you own something you should have a right to fix it yourself'

which maybe you overlooked because that seems to be the point of your post..

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stokkebye's picture

With some basic knowledge you can fix electric cars, like the guy in the video says; he was very scared at first, wearing a linemans suit and all but then in the video he knows what not to do and what to do and is not scared at all. 

Yes I can fix electric cars if I learned a little about them, my dad is a retired electrician, I was wiring up houses with him when I was a kid, installed my own sub panel when I was 18, I installed a solar array system on my buddies RV a few years ago. I work on circuit boards with my buddies dad in his mad scientist like basement, we fit a faradays disk concept on a circuit board that was solid state. I know the basics and really have no interest in learning anything more then I already have, which is minimal at best but I am confidant I could learn fairly quick if I wanted to. 

Damn dude thats like if we stepped back in time to 1900 and make the argument that motor vehicles are dangerous becuase they make explosions instead of using the horse. Electric vehicles will be the mode of transportation in the very near future and if companies are allowed to hold a monopoly on repairs I'd hate to think of the money people will be spending to make repairs. Yes they are new but people wont learn how to repiar them if they are never allowed to!  

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thegent's picture
Discord user

thats great man if you know your shit then i have no problem with someone doing it..get some cert then work away..itll probably take a few years for that to happen but im not against it..just think it should be regulated..

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I could change a Li-Ion battery and probably even have all the tools necessary (I am an engineer who has worked in HV railway electrification for more than 10 years before becoming a dog trainer). Changing the battery is only a little more complicated than changing the battery on an Iphone you need heavier tools but don't even need to know how to solder as it all pretty much unplugs, taking the battery pack apart is a different issue. But this is not the point.


What Tesla does is restrict repairs to Tesla, not even "free" workshops can work on them. This is not acceptable. 

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thegent's picture
Discord user

like i said to stokkebye..i have no problem with it i think its a good thing..just should be a certified thing so the standard of repair is at an acceptable level..

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

on the back of some keyboards it states that you don't own it and that it should take interference at any time, i don't realy know what it means legally but i guess it say's they own your keyboard and they can do to it whatever they want, even though it is just buttons... i believe buying is owning it is completely yours to do whatever all within the law.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

i agree..within the law..

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