She Has Returned

Pantysoaker's picture


to save YouTube and destroy the EU!

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warriorcookie's picture

Image result for um wut gif

uuuuuuuummmmmm, wut?

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thegent's picture
Discord user

think she said nigga at 1.29...thats enough to destroy a career in america isnt it...

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thegent's picture
Discord user

also like the way she puts scientists down while using video recoring software on a sophisticated piece of hardware to record video that she will later upload to the internet..and all because the lady loves to be different..

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ubershin's picture

darn i missed it before the democrat nazis took it down. anyone have a backup link?

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

its on her bitchute

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Lambus's picture

I have never seen this much Google censorship since Soviet Russia and Joseph Goebbels of the Third Reich.


"The Propaganda Ministry took over the broadcasting facilities of conquered countries immediately after surrender, and began broadcasting prepared material using the existing announcers as a way to gain the trust of the citizens. Most aspects of the media, both domestically and in the conquered countries, were controlled by Goebbels and his department."



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