kicked to the chest


monkeymania's picture

I really love these videos. An important lesson is not to bother someone who probably doesn't love their job. They could possibly be a ticking time bomb.


Poor quality video from long ago but I love how this bus driver takes a sucker punch from a punk and then unloads punches on him with the last one on the bus being devastating followed by the great send-off outside at the end that he pulls him into. Watching it just brings a smile to my face.


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hell_viper1's picture
Beta Tester

Bet comment from Yotube:



1 dmg

1 dmg

1 dmg




Bus Driver

*Rage Buff Activated duration 30 secs

2190 dmg critical

2039 dmg critical

2240 dmg critical

1977 dmg critical

2655 dmg critical

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Mori's picture

Asshole. You can easily kill a person like that and for what? Some shouty words from a drunken state? Please. Evolve not to appreciate violence as a response.

Now, that kicker? He should get the death penalty, that's much more fitting.

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The Evil Bat's picture

It was are the Asian dude in this clip! 

And if you're gonna be an asshole and try to fuck up everyone's day by trying to get your drunken point across, to people who are tired and just wanting to go home to finish the day or off to work to start and they clearly don't want anything to do with your shit. Then you deserve what's coming to you.

Talk shit=Get wrecked

"Please. Evolve not to appreci-" Shut up! I'll evolve into a fucking Charrizard if I want to.

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