Racism at the Grammys


ninjzz3.0's picture
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

LOL, never heard of her. And why would I?


Acording to leftistfuckingpedia:
"...."her acting career mostly consists of minor, uncredited appearances on television."


"Villa is known for her attention-grabbing outfits which she has worn to the Grammy Awards."





It gets little interesting when she decided that, in contrary to pussy grabbing, alledged arse slapping actually is sexual assault. As she filed a complaint against a trump campaign manager in typical alt right snowflake (ARS) fashion.


ARS's always manage to have me in stitches. 



So do the "original" leftist SJW keyboard warrior snowflakes, btw:

In the google search THIS came up as a description for the wikipedia link:
"Joy Angela VillaJoy is a racist, ignorant, attention-seeking talentless ignoramus."


Someone already changed the page entry although it still came up in the search, be quick and you may still see it.



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scott5017's picture

Noone told her trump is racist huh? Or she just too dumb? Nevermind i got it.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, is trump racist? I don't know, possibly "not really". Not in the "Redneck sense" anyway. Xenophobic may be a better description, I think. But we probably will never find out as he is a "pleaser of the plebs" (something Hillary, hillariously failed on, remember "hot sauce"?) and will say anything he thinks will please the current crowd and if he fails "his" crowd will quickly forget.  

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danmanjones's picture

Yep. He appeases xenophobes & zionists for political reasons. It's divisive stuff.

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