Democrat Destroys Trumptards


dusma's picture

She is simply an attention whore.


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Pantysoaker's picture
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^ Trumptard

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dusma's picture

whatever helps you sleep at night.

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danmanjones's picture
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skeptoid's picture

Hot. Reminds me of that Rodrigez actress - is that her name? - the one from the movie lost and that first Resident Evil movie. Looks like some college kids took a beginner's swing dance lesson and Cortez has always liked being gazed at.

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danmanjones's picture

Yeah she's fine. Cortez seems like a fun chick to be around. The War! dance was a kickass response.


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sato's picture

wow trump being the mature one.

tbh even if they didn't know what they're doing (they do, they're imitating policies that've worked elsewhere and in the past in america but anyway), that's still better than the current establishment crew who are purposefully making life in america worse for 99.9% of people so they can enrich themselves and their friends.

don't really know why so many of you are for that, i mean you know they want war because they have shares in the companies that make the missiles, but you're not against them, i don't get that.

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daftcunt's picture
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The shitshow continues. I like the way Nancy Pelosi put it but to me using this kind of language is like trying to fight fire with fire. Whoever wants to beat the smpotus needs to be more mature than him and, boooooy, he has set the "maturity bar" really, REALLY low.



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ninjzz3.0's picture

in a meeting with congressional leaders right before the press conference, he cursed a lot, The Washington Post  "The president often used profanity during the meeting, apologizing to Pelosi at one point for cursing so much, according to [an unnamed 'official familiar with the exchange']."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is danceing Republicans are like


NO wonder they are loosing the new gen vote

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

[an unnamed 'official familiar with the exchange'] says that you are an idiot

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danmanjones's picture
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