AI Senses People Through Walls

sli0701948's picture

AI Senses People Through Walls

I forgot to add a description!

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

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WarlockGnome's picture

you win the scary video of the day!

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puttefnask's picture

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

the series and book is diffrent however in the first book i believe that body is explained as a "tech ninja sleeve". i don't think kovacs ever inhabits one in the first book at least.

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puttefnask's picture

Well I think the show might have been trying to convey their super trained ability of intuition. But it's hard to convey that shit without it looking like technology.


Like sensing something is about to happen, and then it happens because you might be so familiar with the scenario, in this case sensed by someone who have lived countless lives that it reveals itself as visual signals in your brain.


Like blind people can learn to see by applying sensors to their tongue or using echo, or a basketball player being able to hit every three-pointer without difficulty.

Something like that could look like this if it developed over thousands of years.

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phanto's picture

What "wireless signals" does it recieve exactly? It can't be IR (thermal) because unlike what movies suggest it can't go through walls.

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sli0701948's picture

Seems like they use Wifi. You can access the paper through the video's description on YT.

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