Not so fake news?

daftcunt's picture

Trump slams NYT op-ed by admin official as 'gutless'

Saw this yesterday, another comedy stunt.


Rand Paul apparently suggested staff undergo a lie detector test. 


This is hillarious. Is his daddy dead or did he finally emancipate or is the Paul family showing their true colours? 

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danmanjones's picture

It can't be too hard to figure it out if he was privy to a plot to assassinate Bashar al Assad. Surely that's a CIA meeting....or is it just scribbled on a whiteboard somewhere?

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puttefnask's picture

I'm still waiting for a single credible and confirmed named source for any allegations, criminal or otherwise against Donald Trump, that has not been redacted or in a state of he said this or never said that, or even one of those tapes we keep hearing about with damning evidence that'll blow off the lid off the white house.(not talking about the pussy tape, I mean HELLO MR RUSSIAN TODAY WE WILL WIN THE ELECTION! MONEY IN BRIEFCASE YES? VERY NICE. PLZ DON'T RELEASE THE PISS TAPE MR PUTIN, I WILL HELP YOU EXPAND BORDERS YES? YES)


How hard can it be to get one? Of all the allegations, just one. I even found the source of the piss tape dossier, and even his neighbor and coworkers described him as full of shit, to The Washington Post. But they buried it. I even found his youtube channel.


Is Trump really so effective that he successfully silences ALL sources even the ones that are ACTIVELY SEEKING TO THWART AND SABOTAGE his every move?


So again, I'm still waiting, and these lyrics are on point:


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, part of it is still an ongoing investigation and we will have to see whether or not there is some meat to it, other issues have been confirmed, like staff stealing letters, as one of them has been published (but I guess the trumptards will call that fake....).


The potus' resistance against the investigation, that some already call illegal interference,  only makes him look suspicious, though. 


The biggest "problem" I have is that every "bad" thing that is said about the potus rings in the back of the head like "yes, I can imagine that".


If you are so sure about everything, sit back, relax enjoy the comedy and wait for it to fall into pieces.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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