Cement from ash

sato's picture

Primitive Technology: Wood Ash Cement

Always wondered if it would be possible to make cement from wood ash since both ash and cement powder are so similar in appearance. Turns out you can.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Cocain powder and powdered sugar are also similar in appearance, maybe there is an alternative way to sweeten my coffee?

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sato's picture

unfortunately it mostly only works with colours, and powders that appear white are colourless substances.

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Trevicahn's picture

Dude picks up that red hot concrete with bare hands and drops it into the water.


Callus Level : 10

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lawngnome's picture

Romans made concrete by mixing lime and volcanic rock to form a mortar. ... The seawater then triggered a chemical reaction, through which water molecules hydrated the lime and reacted with the ash to cement everything together.


Look up how they made seawalls too. 

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