Iron Workers vs. Socialists


lawngnome's picture






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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

I'm guessing this is an actual case of them paid protestors?


Unfortunately in a limited economic system there are no jobs for everyone. Thus there's no living wage for everyone. Considering that many nations have managed to provide the basics for their citizens, like housing, through taxation and still be business neutral or even positive environments it's odd that America as a whole cannot handle it. The 'best nation in the world' should be the best at taking care of its citizens right?


This 'head tax' does sound like something that would cause more work for the book-keepers as they'd have to track an additional number with all the total work hours(if I understood correctly). With small businesses this'd mean more work for the entrepreneur. There might be a way to do such a housingtax without causing too much extra work or there might be some loophole that the closing of would cause a fairly balanced tax income from the profits of the companies. This is a good point to remember that the profits of large corporations aren't the same thing as profit in your pocket. Yours is a salary, already paid for by the company. Their profit is extra income made off of the work of others, like you. Either demand your actual salary or stop complaining when smarter people then you are trying to limit the power of the owner class.


Local governments have little leverage against global businesses. USA, Europe, China, Russia, India are the few large entities that can oppose global economic power. Unfortunately China, Russia and India have their own plans for the future. America is sold and sold for the most parts. Europe is still an open case but the forces rising to oppose the globalists are right wing totalitarianists so we all know how that shit show is going to end. We'll all be owned by the Starbucks, Amazons, Mcdolands, Microsofts etc. soon enough. Then we'll have all our needs fulfilled as long as we slave away for the $tarbucks that are legal tender only in Starbuckia.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Starbucks, Amazons, Mcdolands, Microsofts never imprisoned someone for not obeying bullshit laws.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Microsoft for one has lobbied for heavier intellectual property laws to the point where pirates end up in prison. This is not due to Microsoft but in part because of them because for them it's smart business policy to jail people for copying their works. Continuing this development, this corporate thinking that makes profits more meaningful than people and allowing the weakening of the nationstate will enable the corporation to rise to the practical status of a nation. Which is when it'll be, for example, Microsoft that puts people in jail instead of the government in which they operate.


It'll be sort of like the governments will turn into local governments. Like, counties in relation to the state will be the same as governments in relation to the corporation.

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sato's picture

as oz said and there is literally a video on spiked about how microsoft had a guy put in jail for not obeying a bullshit law about recycling used devices.

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sato's picture

there could be jobs for everyone, but the biggest companies are deliberately under-employing and making a reduced workforce work harder to make up the difference. the reduced wages mean small business have fewer customers, and the reduced number of jobs keeps wages artificially low. it's not just bad for the homeless, it's bad for everyone. these construction workers for example are fortunate to be propped up by the reality of construction work in that it cannot be outsourced. as soon as cranes etc can be operated by software instead of a person, they'll be beneficiaries of the very programs they're protesting.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

If i hear it like this i am for totaly for the head tax, let the rich company's pay for the less fortunate be like Jezus or Robin Hood :)

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sato's picture

especially since those companies are directly and solely responsible for the reduce fortune.

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