Microsoft Jails E-Waste Recycler


sato's picture

surely a judge who doesn't understand the subject matter the case is based on would recuse himself from it so no miscarriages of justice occur? surely that judge will be sued and disbarred for his negligence in failing to do so?

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester
Cahu's picture

People are surprised when someone breaks the law and are then put in jail. If people could go around breaking the law and were then pardoned or slapped in the wrist for it, then no one would respect the law other than naturally good people (and we all know how many of those people there are around).

We might argue that the law is not right, and thats another discussion. But this man broke the law, and there's no going around that.

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pimp635's picture
Beta Tester

This guys a douche he always goes after his competition and attacks people 

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