Tesla Meets Maximum Overdrive


skeptoid's picture
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Fullauto223cal's picture

Well damn, who would have guessed that the hipster driving the overly expensive throw away car was also a hipster high preist working for God of Hipsterism, Apple?

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nsmo's picture

Haha! Today's Darwin Award goes to Walter Huang. Negligent of deadly hazards while operating a motor vehicle. 

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skeptoid's picture

It does show exactly the danger I was concerned about. The automation will work 99% of the time and everyone will get used to that. There will be arguments made along the same lines as have been made for air travel - statistical arguments. Eventually people will come to simply accept that they get in the car, they put their lives completely into the hands of computerized machinery, and that's life. It will be a study of the willing sacrifice of individual responsibility and agency for overall collective safety and convenience.

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nsmo's picture

@skeptoid After being struck by a couple vehicles and getting rear ended hard once on a freeway, I'm all for autopilot. Some people are abysmal drivers, when they're sober.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

but when skynet takes over your autopilot turns against you

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Well here's a hard truth nsmo, living in a free society means you're going to cross paths with dumb asses from time to time.  It's why insurance companies exist.  If a car is capable of auto-pilot then it can be remote piloted as well.  Which means the State will eventually pass laws allowing themselves to go in and control your vehicle when they fucking feel like it, in the name of public safety of course.


So don't be surprised when the day finally comes that the State has full access to your vehicle's location and speed data and decides, in the name of public safety, to mail you a fine because the data shows you were driving 10mph over the speed limit a few days before when the road was completely empty and you were in the middle of nowhere.

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skeptoid's picture

Fast-forwad 25-50 more years. You get in your car and tell it to take you to McBurger Bell, but your request is denied: 


Kit: I'm sorry Dave, but Biometric data shows you have exceeded your daily-allowed consumption of fat, sugar and cholesterol. To reduce the overall cost of health care, you have been restricted for the next 12 hours to eating one standard meal unit at one of the following establishments - Happy McSalad's, Frank's Soy Bar and Grill, Maddow's Leaf Chow," and so on. 

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danmanjones's picture

I'm really surprised that cars are being autopiloted on roads already. I would have thought there would be years of testing & computers just practicing in real cars before we actually let go of the wheel.

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scruples's picture

Testing in the real world is much faster, just let Jesus Tesla take the wheel.

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ilovecookies's picture

I think this goes to show improvements need to be made to both the vehicle as well as the medium the vehicle is travelling on.  How about roads need to be designated for autopilot before you can switch it on?  And they could have embedded passive transmitters which could be located in the reflective bumps relaying which lane and speed limit?

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