Anton Died So We Could Live! - Silicon Valley

Fullauto223cal's picture

Anton Died So We Could Live! - Silicon Valley

Anton is Dead. But before he die, he somehow saved Pied Piper! (Silicon Valley)

Average: 4.7 (10 votes)


Muchos Munchbagger's picture
This episode was genius level and had my fav Gilfoil shine like satans eyes all over it. Definitely top 3 favorites in the series
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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

I like that Jin Yang is getting more time in the show. I hate that Erlich Bachman has left the show though.

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stokkebye's picture

Ah man, I didn't know he left for good. That sucks. He was getting a little stale but that could have been fixed. He was definitely a central figure of the show. I hope it is not on its way to fizzling out.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Actually, he was let go because he just could not shut the fuck about Hillary losing and ragging his cast mates for throwing their money down the drain by giving it to her campaign like he did.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

As Miller tells it, he asked the cast of Silicon Valley how much they donated to Clinton’s campaign prior to the 2016 presidential election. “Everybody in the cast said nothing,” he told HuffPost. “They hadn’t given a dollar. What did they think was going to happen? How had they not joined a fight that they had such strong opinions about? Meanwhile, I gave the maximum contribution to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, not even really being a fan of hers, and further, paying money to pay more taxes. And we lost. So now we have to win.” -

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BabyDuckling's picture

I love TJ Miller.  Heres his stand up on when he had a bad siezure:

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

I think he's off to bigger and better things, focusing on movies.

EDIT: Here is 10 reasons why he left
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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester
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