Dude Survives Golden Gate Plunge


InsertCoin's picture

Dunno,  suicide is bad and all, but listening to this guy...  makes me feel like he’s just an idiot.  

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Pyranique's picture

I feel ya, bro! I got the same feeling reading your post.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

This guys a pussy. I went to high school with this kid that jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and didnt get hurt.


Hes now a bartender at Sutter Club in Folsom. Good dude :)

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blue_devil's picture

Suicide is all about realizing that your own mind is tring to kill you. It is the ultimate betrail.

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Grothesk's picture

He was recently featured on Logan Paul's return to media.

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skeptoid's picture

I found out about it him from that Phil D video you posted.

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Grothesk's picture

Kind of an odd thing to get a media blitz over, but it's still a good story.

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Cahu's picture

Electroshock fixes bipolar. 6 times out of 10. They still use it today. I know right? Savages.

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pimp635's picture
Beta Tester

Brain always protects the vessel from harm most mental illnesses are good things pharma loves labels

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