Twitter Ends The Krassenstein Brothers' Career

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Twitter Ends The Krassenstein Brothers' Career

The tragic saga of Brothers Ed and Brian Krassenstein may have finally come to a close. Having tried and failed at Ponzi schemes in 2003, tried and failed at (possible) Obama FBI collusion in 2016, and tried and failed at convincing anyone they're not an even weirder, twincestual version of Ace and Gary for the duration of the Donald Trump presidency - the Krassenstein brothers finally caught a front-holefull of karma when Twitter (of all corporations) yanked their blue check marks and permanently banned them from the platform. What does this mean for censorship and free speech? With some thoughtful comments lifted from the prolific Styxhexenhammer666 and some counterpoints from a one GK Chesterton - and your usual dose of gallows humor - we take a (hopefully) final look at the excised society tumor that exists as a creepily-intimate unholy doppleganger of soy.

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