you enter your place of residence to find your partner in bed with another person.

Nakey's picture
you turn around and walk straight out.
30% (7 votes)
you shout "player three has entered the game!" and strip.
13% (3 votes)
whip out your smart phone of choice and create your own short lived youtube reality show, springer style.
13% (3 votes)
politely ask the other person to leave and when they do have a frank discussion with your partner.
9% (2 votes)
start wailing on the other person until they stop moving then ask your partner to get the hacksaw, duct tape and garbage bags.
4% (1 vote)
start wailing on your now ex until they stop moving then ask the other person to get the hacksaw, duct tape and garbage bags.
4% (1 vote)
26% (6 votes)
Total votes: 23


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