Trump Supporter Cancels Airbnb renting

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Trump Supporter Cancels Asian Woman's Airbnb Stay

The online rental service AirBNB has permanently banned a host for making an inappropriate comment to a user and then adding President Trump’s name as a justification for their actions.

Dyne Suh of Riverside, California posted on her Facebook page a series of messages from the host that she was intending to rent a house from that she said displayed a racist attitude against Asians and cited Trump.


Suh had booked a rental on AirBNB in Big Bear, California, and notified the host that she was bringing more guests than she originally planned for because of a harrowing snow storm. The exchange devolved very quickly.

The text she received read, “Go ahead, I wouldn’t rent to u if u were the last person on earth.” They added, “One word says it all. Asian.”

She responded, “I will report to AirBNB that you are racist.”

They answered, “Want something for nothing.”

Later, she texted, “Good job. Say goodbye to airbnb.”

They responded, “It’s why we have trump.”

She answered, “Say goodbye to airbnb” and then, “They will tolerate your racism.”

Suh says there happened to be a KTLA news van in the area when she received the offensive text. She showed them the text that read, “If you think four people and two dogs ate getting a room fir $50 a night on Big Bear mountain during the busiest weekend of the year… You are insanely high.”

The host reportedly said that they would “not allow this country to be told what to do by foreigners.”

Suh told KTLA that she disturbed by the host’s attitude. “It stings that after living in the U.S. for over 23 years, this is what happens,” she said. “No matter if I follow the law, if I’m kind to people, no matter how well I treat others — it doesn’t matter. If you’re Asian, you’re less than human and people can treat you like trash.”

A representative of AirBNB said that the host was permanently banned from their service over the comments they made.

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