Didn't know Jeb had it in him.

lawngnome's picture

Jeb Bush Fights BLM

I hadn't heard of this until now. 


Election News 2016

Published on May 14, 2016

During one of Jeb Bush's campaign fundraiser events in late April, he was confronted by several members of the Black Lives Matter group, one of which was throwing rocks at event goers, injuring one woman. Jeb responded by quickly rushing off the small stage to tackle the protester before other onlookers could be harmed until the police arrived. During this conflict, the assailant attempted to break free by biting him, which resulted in Jeb having to deal three blows to their head until they stopped. This was recorded from one of Jeb Bush's live-streamed events which was quickly pulled from the channel soon after.

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skeptoid's picture

Low energy.

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danmanjones's picture

Trump would have elbow dropped the bitch

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Grothesk's picture

Yeah, he would have brought the Fat Ass Shuffle on that punk.  Seriously, have you ever seen Trump move more than at a "slow" pace?


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lawngnome's picture

Too bad your picture is a golfer named John Daly. A right click to 'search google for image' shows this.  

And so does this. https://www.snopes.com/donald-trump-golf-course/

Mmmmmm. Salty Left.  

It's nice to be on the fence about most issues, as you can laugh at both sides. 

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Grothesk's picture

I found a better one:



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