9 y/o Gayboy Kills Self


ageing hippy liberal douche's picture

I don't understand why people are so hateful.
The woman was clearly progressive and probably cheered here son on into acceptance.
I'm sure the father was very supportive as well.

This is clearly Drumps fault.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

More like told him being gay would earn him special treatment from his peer group without telling him the shit storm that would come from his peer group.

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GKhan's picture


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blue_devil's picture

How did the kid killled himself ? I'm  just asking because they say it like it's nothing. How can a 9 year old kill himself that's what i fucking want to know .

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delt_osvp-'s picture

yeah, this

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Fullauto223cal's picture

How does a 9 year old know he is gay?  And what sort of parent who isn't a brain dead fucking leftist thinks is a good idea for their 9 year old to go advertising it to their classmates knowing the sort of shit that's going to be thrown at him by his peers?


Kids can't help the fact that they are mean little cunts.

His parents on the other hand had to be willfully fucking stupid to not tell their kid to keep it between him and his parents until he was old enough to fully understand his sexuality. 

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GKhan's picture

I would think 'gay' at this age could imply 'wants to be a girl' vs 'wants to have sex with boys'.


As for the parent, that's a tough call. It's good to support your children but yes as well as keep them safe. How kids would react is going to be heavily culture influenced. Maybe she thought it would be ok in her community. A lot of schools are investing in anti-bullying campaigns. As well, without pushing these areas of prejudice there will never likely be change, so even with some unacceptance in the community, letting the child come out could still be the best thing to do, albeit a bumpy ride.


Bullying or not, what 9 year old takes their own life? Do 9 year olds really think about suicide?



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