Tommy Robinson


Swuave's picture

Good job Tommy Robison. We just need about 50 million more men like him. Then perhaps we could reverse this invasion. 

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Beseeched1's picture

So another British Empire?

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SirDraq's picture

Christ, Robinson slumped him pretty good. Stout little bastard!

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Grothesk's picture

Keep a very, very close vigil on *WHO* is showing you *WHAT*.  Tommy Robinson is the founder of the "European Defence League" and has been arrested multiple times for initiating fights and essentially inciting riots.  Note that the video cuts multiple times, specifically when the camera is walking up to the homeless guys and then right after he punches the guy.  It's interspliced with two whole articles of Nigerians and migrants attacking Europeans, but does he take as close of a look at Europeans attacking Europeans? 


While I'm sure these pieces of garbage were probably dickheads, calling this a "no-go zone" and claiming "they were assaulted for filming" is very misleading.


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PizzaBoi's picture

Hate to burst your bubble, Groth, but there have been documented cases of mainstream media getting attacked for wandering into "no go" zones too.


You gotta understand, these migrants are from some hard, hard places in Africa. It's street culture, kill or be killed, some from countries with decades-long history of civil war, sectarian violence, or just plain good old fashion oppression. They distrust authority, are very defensive, and in some cases react instantly with at least the threat of physical violence.



I'm not pointing fingers. There's always three sides to a story: his, hers, and the truth. But it has to be ackhowledge that we're in morally grey area here.

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eh's picture

Robinson is a character but there's no doubt that in what are called "No-go zones" around Europe, when police aren't present, migrants assault anyone with cameras. They see them as a threat and resort to violence.

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skeptoid's picture

Tommy Robinson has been arrested many times for many things - he isn't any of the things he's routinely accused of being. No-go zones are confusing because there are two definitions - 1) Ghettoized areas where folks outside a specific ethnic group cannot go because violence will be done unto them and 2) Ghettoized areas that the police are too afraid to go to respond to calls. The first type is not uncommon in European countries like Germany and Sweden, while the second type of no-go zone is very rare in western countries - there have been periods of time where type 2 no-go zones have briefly existed in failed US cities. The more common usage is a zone where people outside a specific ethnic or religious group are too afraid to go.

If you're going to learn about Tommy Robinson you should hear what the UK authorities did to him and his family. The claim is that this interview is what got Pettibone banned from the UK, although Tim Pool suggests some poor judgment by her and Lauren Southern also contributed to the ban.

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