A study of intelligence

subroutine's picture

Cara esperto

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 4.4 (23 votes)


phanto's picture

Wait, they're not being dumb what's so special abou...Oh now I get it!

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gardendaleguy's picture

why didnt the guy with the little car pull out fir.....oh...HAHAHA... guess im the guy parked on the end.

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Evulva 1's picture

As real as my gold digging mothers tits.

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Grothesk's picture

I knew exactly where it was going and it was still gold.

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eh's picture

They just had a White Widow or an OG Kush moment. No big deal.

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CombatGod's picture

Umm... why didn't the first idiot just get in from the passenger side?

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Cahu's picture

I've done stupider things in my life. When you're dead set on helping someone, you don't even think of alternatives. It's called ego.

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