The Real Donald Trump

eh's picture

The Real Donald Trump

Not really. His hair guy had the day off though. Beware. Cannot be unseen.





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eh's picture

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puttefnask's picture

I'm not surprised this is one of the first things other than porn people are using it for. Here's one: 




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eh's picture

It's fake news! Donnie's hair is definitely real! How do I know? He said it is!

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puttefnask's picture

You can see the glitches when he reaches the top of the stairs. His whole skull can't stretch you moron.

It's also at low framerate because it would take a decade to render at higher frames per second.


Now the guy who originally posted it on twitter was a John Aravosis. He credited the video to a Jeffrey @jeffsho69. Jeffsho69 did not delete his answers from his twitter discussion with John. Which is why his feed is filled with gifs from movies and animations where someone's hair falls off, dating back to Feb.3rd, when the original video was posted to mobypicturedotcom.(A service for providing pictures and videos to twitter)

As you can see, the video title is Aravosis' tweet verbatim, though he allegedly found it there. And not only that, his username on mobypicture is "aravosis" as you can see in the fucking link.


"I found some higher-res video via @jeffsho69‬ of Trump boarding Air Force One yesterday, and it appears that Trump is SUPER-bald on the back of his head. That comb-over must be the biggest ever, period. Even his full head of hair is a lie."


That's one fuck up.


In one gif on Feb 3rd Jeffsho69's posting on twitter to, GUESS WHO: @aravosis, he says: "Clear for take off." Showing a poorly animated gif of Trump's alleged wig flying off into space, obviously referencing the video which they had then sent to a media outlet.


That's another fuck up.


It took 2 days for the video to be posted on youtube, on a channel called "strangervideo". It's owner is "The Stranger" which calls itself "Seattle's only newspaper.".


What are the journalistic principles of The Stranger, or "Dan Savage" who then wrote about the video on Feb 6th?

"In addition to being a nationally syndicated sex advice columnist and author of books, Savage can also lay claim to being the only person at The Stranger to have actually converted his sexuality into a profession..." I JUST THREW UP IN MY MOUTH!


Fuckup number 3: Finding a media outlet willing to post a fake video online


Clearly John Aravosis and this "Jeffrey" have been having a continious discussion about how to edit footage to look like it's real and which media outlet to send it to once their results were successful.



And how does Aravosis describe himself on mobypicture?


"Democratic American political journalist, consultant, activist. "

What a wide range of professions that totally doesn't contradict eachother.


And look at that, he appears to be the writer of a blog called AMERICAblog. What does he have to say there?


"New video seems to show that Trump is as bald as Darth Vader."


"And while none of us actually care, Trump cares, a lot, about his own appearance, and more importantly, about mocking the appearance of others, especially women. So, today we care too."


He posted the fucking video and sent it to The Stranger himself, and he WROTE THE STORY ON HIS OWN BLOG AS IF A RANDOM NEW VIDEO SEEMS TO SHOW THAT TRUMP IS BALD.






This guy is fucking insane.




Now let me predict what is going to happen.

This will reach meanstream media very soon. But Trump will eventually adress it himself being asked by reporters somewhere. And a name will be mentioned, possibly not by him, maybe in a tweet perhaps or something else, but he'll definitely be credited for it.




Now... Aravosis has been featured on television debates, adressing gay marriage when Obama was in office, before legalizing it, etc. Because Aravosis is a LGBT advocate, which there is nothing wrong about.


They're going to put another "Trump is anti-LGBT" Stamp on Trump because they will twist the story to say that he is coming after LGBT journalists.


I'm telling you guys and gals. These people are this predictable.


Let's lean back and enjoy the show.




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eh's picture

LOL!!!! Didn't read a word of your novel but it's all about how it's fake and your Trump-fluffing instincts are too strong. WHO GIVES A SHIT IF IT'S FAKE/TRUE, TRUMP IS BALD, OR WHATEVER? The important thing is to watch how triggered Trumptard Nation has become over this. You really cut and pasted/wrote all that shit over a video of Trump's hair? I thought it might trigger Spiked Trumptard Nation as it has triggered Trumptard Nation in general but holy shit!


Fake News, fake hair, fake truth, fake life, who cares?

Trump's weave looks like any other one a 70 year-old man would wear. Those Make America Greay Again hats that he wears every chance he gets make a lot of sense now.
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puttefnask's picture

I posted it because it genuinly looks like a Deepfake video, to me. Your comment made me look for something sketchy in the workings behind it, and I found something.


If anything I revealed Aravosis' questionable journalistic principles, an upcoming trap or inevitable "scoop" by the media to label the President anti-LGBT in response to either a fake video or an embarrassing video, which is currently being used to ridicule him, which appears to be journalism 101 these days.


This is like the time he allegedly made fun of a handicapped reporter. There's truth in the arguments on both sides pretty much every fucking subject we talk about.


But instead of figuring it out, to inform ourselves, it is left to the ideologs with their chants, slogans, prejudices and memes having a yelling contest inside their imagination.


Fuck it.

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eh's picture

Yup.......everyone is marching screaming the video of Trump's bald head is fake.........NOT!



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puttefnask's picture

It took four days for an embarrassing video of Trump to hit mainstream.

I think the left has lost its edge.


Anyhow, I didn't find any footage like this earlier. I looked for the original source, which then was Aravosis. Neither of the other angles were a part of that video.


The initial low quality footage made it look like the side of his skull opened up, which is not normal by any human standards. I totally mistook it for one of those deepfake videos. I called shenanigans and was proven wrong.

But I don't see a wig in this video. I see a comb over to hide his bald spots blowing in the wind. Now here we go, how far does my definition of baldness stretch. If there's still hair attached to the top of his head, he is not completely bald. He is balding.


But don't even pretend for a second that Trump supporters' reactions to videos posted by the left are not somewhat justified. Ya'll muthafuckas got history doing that shit.


Like leaving stuff out of videos that's "slightly" important to the context of reported events.

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eh's picture

Admitting being wrong is the mark of strong character. Kudos. I honestly didn't know (and don't know because hell, anything can be fake) if it was bullshit or not.


Like leaving stuff out of videos that's "slightly" important to the context of reported events.


You are just kidding around with that, right? Oh that definitely happens but Fox News and Trumptard Nation has that technique as their foundation. Fair and balanced as hell y'all.

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Grothesk's picture

You're kind of rambling here, Puffemask.  First you claim it's a fake, now you're saying it's just a combover, and being bald isn't an issue anyway...he's a dying, out of shape, unhealthy, elderly man.  That's not too weird.

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puttefnask's picture

That's what it looks like when you jump into the conversation later.


Please understand there was a period of time that passed between each realisation. If you read it all you would see that new footage eventually appeared and my initial reaction was explained, being that the poor quality of the first video was so bad it made things look glitchy, which is why I originally posted the Nicolas Cage Deepfake video in the first place.


The White House Physician said he's in great shape. And I don't think he's somehow been "compromised" after doing it for Obama since 2013.



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Mori's picture

Yes, and again, people keep missing the point. IT'S NOT ABOUT TRUMP, he's an asshole who should be given no attention let alone power, IT'S ABOUT THOSE THAT SUPPORT HIM instead of condemning him. 

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skeptoid's picture

Not sure if you've noticed but condemning Trump has not been a successful strategy for defeating him or even weakening him for more than a brief period. An entire year straight of screeching condemnation without discourse has resulted in a population that is almost completely immune to the notion of a Trump scandal, or of there being people "who are very angry at Trump and want him gone." It's having less and less effect with each passing day while he becomes more bullet proof.


Have you considered possibly trying an approach other than blindly condemning Trump and all of his supporters while plugging your ears? Is your goal to defeat Trump - get him out of power? Or is your aim to show the world how much you condemn Trump and all of his supporters?

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Grothesk's picture

"Defeating" him?  What the fuck?  Here's what's so funny to me:  all of these people like to point to how a Lefty or Democrats acts or talks and say, "THIS is the reason I voted for Trump".  No it's fucking not.  You voted for Trump because he was your pre-determined choice.  There isn't a mutherfucker out there who is going to change your political stance, Skeptoid...and fuck me if someone is going to fucking change my political stance. 


No one is looking to "defeat" fucking Trump by calling him the fucking asshat that he is; we're simply calling an asshat an asshat.  The only way to "defeat" him is in 2020 when we get to go through the ultra fun process of hoping out vote matters in the electoral college.  I'm not looking to change anyone's fucking mind because their minds are already made up.  Guaran-fucking-teed FullAutoGal is voting for Trump in 2020.  Guaran-fucking-teed the hick out in Buttfucksville, Missouri, is voting for Trump in 2020.  So why fucking try to change their minds?  We'll simply call a spade a spade and I'll criticize the President as I have every right to do so. 

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skeptoid's picture

I didn't vote at all - I'm on record having said numerous times that had I been able to vote it would have been for Jill Stein if I had voted at all. Your approach has resulted in even the word "Nazi" losing its bite. Congratulations.


LOL and do me a favor and re-read your comment above while thinking about tribalism. Pathetic.

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Mori's picture

You are wrong when you say that condemning Trump hasn't been a successful strategy. It hasn't been tried yet so we don't know. What I mean by this is: he won the election. Those are opposed him still do and they ofcourse have and will continue to condemn him. What we need to have happen, as I mentioned in my post, is have his supporters, his base and the republicans in power, condemn him. When he loses that support, he's gone. But even with the long list of asshole moves that he has done, the republicans in power still don't care. They enable him because it suits them.

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skeptoid's picture

Like an overzealous prosecutor, you will never have success because you are overreaching. Your desire is completely unrealistic, and based on a false binary of your own creation: Good/evil, up/down, condemn/support. Your thinking isn't even on the very fringe of what enables a constructive discourse. It's guaranteed to be self-defeating whether it meets your definition of success or not. 


Anchored as you are by extreme tribalism, how could you expect any different from the supporters of Trumpism? You might as well say that all you want is a four-bedroom house made of candy.

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acdc51502112's picture

He's bald.....k?

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eh's picture

Trumptards have been triggered beyond belief over this video. Denial. Fake news! "But Hillary" rants. "He just has thin hair". Fluffing their dear leader regardless of anything. It's not a big deal. Trump just needs to stand in front of a big military parade and jerk off like Kim Jong-un and everything will be fine.

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skeptoid's picture

I just came in here to reiterate that the only person who reads like a triggered fool is you with all this Trumptard nonsense. The only person who even bothered to extend you the courtesy of discussing this video with you was Putt and you spat on his good grace while pronouncing that something called "Trumptard Nation" has been massively triggered by your clever post. At this point I'm happy to just sit back and watch you unravel for the third or fourth time in the past 6 years.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

FISA Memo Reveals Democrat Corruption



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Fullauto223cal's picture

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eh's picture

T-R-I-G-G-E-R-E-D in the Fox News/Hannity-Breitbart-Trumptard bubble.


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Fullauto223cal's picture

"T-R-I-G-G-E-R-E-D in the Fox News/Hannity-Breitbart-Trumptard bubble."


You can keep saying that, but it doesn't make the evidence of the Obama spying operation prior to Trump winning any less real.  Nor does the fact those news sources you hate are reporting on it, while the Leftwing media does everything they can to ignore it in hopes it will go away, change the fact that Obama spyed for political reasons.


BTW, I cut the cord years ago so I do not and cannot watch Fox News or Hannity and you're just going to have to take my word for it, I don't read Breitbard either.


I do however listen to The Daily Wire's podcasts on my way home from work in the afternoons.  Of course it's difficult to use The Daily Wire as some sort of insult since The Daily Wire was founded Ben Shapiro, a never-Trumper who didn't vote for Donald Trump during the election.


But do carry on their Eh.  Continue with your meaningless and child like ad hominem responses.

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danmanjones's picture

Nah man, that's Kissinger all the way. 

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Grothesk's picture

Yeah, and Hillary Clinton was the lizard-person, right?

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skeptoid's picture

Apparently, and it looks like her handlers aren't giving her enough water. Reptiles require a minimal amount of water to remain healthy.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

You wrote "lizard person" but I think you simply misspelled "criminal".  Yes, Hillary is a criminal who escaped prosecution because of Obama's DOJ and top FBI officials who desperately want her to win the 2016 election.

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Dagambit's picture

It has gotten to the point on this site, where it doesn't matter what we say or what happens, as long as it is Trump and even if you have no proof, a lot of you still won't listen. Media mostly ignores the Grassley memo, and that is DAMNING as hell. Even Schiff's memo, doesn't clear anything up and the media refuses to play it because it doesn't hold a solid case against the Nunes memo or Grassely memo.


Make no mistake right now, dems are in full damage control mode, and the way they are going to control it... My guess is sooner or later this stuff will lead to a republican(s) and that will be the media's talking point and focus. Everyone forgets and keeps lumping Trump in, but Trump used to be a Democrat and definitely leans toward the middle so much that the Republicans didn't want him so badly they were going to change rules to not let him participate (like Ron Paul). I think their is definitely going to be a republican bad apple in all this too, looking at you Graham or McCain.


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eh's picture

LOLOLOLOL Whereas Trumptards and Trump himself are never in damage control mode? It's continuous. Just one of hundreds of ridiculous points Trump has made is Trump saying the stock market is rigged against him and the recent market corrections aren't his fault after he spent a year constantly saying the market upswing were solely because of him. Trumptards seriously don't believe that Trump Jr meeting with representatives of the Russian government before the election because they told him they have dirt on Trump's opponent is anything. Flynn's actions are nothing. Manafort? Nothing. Papadopoulos? Nah, nothing and on and on and on.


Trumptards are completely beyond even being objective. It's either Trump is the dear leader who never lies and does nothing wrong or You are a libtard Hillary supporter who hates America!


We are living in some fucked-up times.

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acdc51502112's picture

why do you even still come here?

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eh's picture

Triggering Spiked Trumptard Nation is impossible to pass up.

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Dagambit's picture

I don't think you understand the word "triggered" like you think you do. No one is upset, even fullauto starts off with LOLOLOLOL.. then proceeds to rip apart your poor excuses for trying to troll. Just my 2 cents, take them or leave them.. or come back with a half witty retort and ad hominem attack how I can't tell lies from truth or whatever. Doesn't matter really. 


~Trying to cure TDS in Eh

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eh's picture

Stick to trying to control your ADD/moderate retardation before you go and try to be an internet thinker.

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skeptoid's picture

*sigh* It wasn't even half-witty.

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eh's picture

Reviewed and given a thumbs down by some crumbs from Spiked Trumptard Nation. The cellar.

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skeptoid's picture

Still no wit here. You do understand that just because someone thinks you're acting like an idiot doesn't mean they support Trump right?

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eh's picture

Trying to be witty to Trumptards like you guys is the same as trying to be witty to retards. You couldn't "Get it" if someone was even trying to be funny. Keep hitting this post and commenting though. You can't tell lies from truth and guess what? It matters in the real world.

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skeptoid's picture

Okay lady.

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eh's picture

Brilliant retort but right at your level of skill.

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skeptoid's picture

Okay lady.

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eh's picture


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skeptoid's picture


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skeptoid's picture


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eh's picture

Bigly tremendous wordplay!

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skeptoid's picture
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