TYT lyin' about breonna taylor


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol tyt, the oan of the left and cenk and anna pool and internet jesus of the left, no news that they are not a trustworthy source of information......

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

He's right Sato. These guys are low hanging fruit. Which is good news. At least they have been exposed.


We gotta dig deep and expose who else is dirty. It's the really clever establishment sophists we have to root out.


Your contribution is appreciated though.


One more thought. Exposing Hyprocrisy is not enough. We need to find better arguements.

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sato's picture

you're both half missing the point - they are wrong here, that doesn't make everything they say untrustworthy, nor does it make everyone who gets something wrong untrustworthy. the information matters, not the person giving it.


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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Not that it makes much difference at this point but I'm curious if gun shot residue showed she shot or he shot at cops in the end. Appreciate in any case that a black man (regarding this particular case) is stepping up to show the facts and telling everyone to be more discerning in their consumption of news.


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sato's picture

wondered that too. though he was pretty quick to shout "we just normal working people", a lie, so my thoughts are he was doing the same to pin the gun on her.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Exactly this

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