T: "We're learning to live with it"

sal9000's picture

President Trump: We're learning to live with it

oh snap.


another one a few minutes ago. T: "you had 8 years joe, why didn't you do anything?" B: "republican congress.... thats your answer"

Average: 2.3 (6 votes)


Needless_Kane's picture

Trump:  we're learning to live with it.

Biden:  we're learning to die with it.

you want to wear a mask the rest of your life in fear, like a coward, or fight?

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phanto's picture

Next time you drive your car don't fasten your seatbelt. That would be living in fear. Then in the event of an accident you will fight that windshield with your face to show everyone how much of a fearless big boy you are!


But stay away from other people in public. Keep that shit to yourself. Maybe you've chosen to be a fearless fighting big boy but they haven't. Some of them can have a weakened immune system or might have contacts with people who do. You can chose to risk getting sick all you want but don't force that choice onto people who are likely to die from it.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Phanto's analogy doesn't go far enough, Kane. We wouldn't want you to fly through the windshield and hurt someone.  Please just get out of the car completely and run around in traffic. (Seriously don't understand how people STILL don't get that we're all to operate on the assumption that at any given moment we're infected, sub-clinical in disease presentation, AND contageous. You wear the damn mask to protect your fellow human beings who instead may get seriously sick and die).

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skeptoid's picture

Are you completely mad? You are comparing facemasks to seatbelts? I see idiots driving around in their car, alone, wearing a fucking face mask. When I see that, I'm not sure we deserve anything other than another reset. Seatbelts weren't something we implemented because all of a sudden people started dying in car accidents, unless you think to yourself "It's about time we implemented the permanent wearing of facemasks forevermore." Is that what you're thinking? if so, do we really want this version of ourselves to continue to evolve? Not sure anymore.


Someone recently wrote sarcastically that masks are the "new star of David". That's ridiculous. But they are starting to look like the new swastika with each passing day.

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Raining Blood's picture

i should be able to drink and drive with a possibility to run you over, if you wanted to stay alive, you should take the appropriate measures. i should be able to do whatever i want, regardless of how my actions affect others...

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Dagambit's picture

Leftist logic, face mask in the car, windows rolled up, no A/C just circulated air. Gets out of car with protest sign and engauges in shoulder to shoulder rioting/looting. 

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skeptoid's picture

You're not seeing how the analogy doesn't work, unless you do. Seatbelts are a permanent mandate - you get in a car, you put on your seatbelt. Otherwise you risk legal penalty. Same goes for drunk driving - you get in a car, you best be sober. Otherwise you risk legal penalty. This is not temporary - this is forevermore, with adjustments here and there.


So, if you want to continue with this analogy, you're saying one of the following two things:


1. When you walk out the door, put on a mask. Otherwise you risk legal penalty. This is not temporary - it's permanent.

2. When you enter a business or indoor public area, put on a mask. Otherwise you risk legal penalty. This is not temporary - it's permanent.


Are you advocating either of these two things? If not, pick a different anology.

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phanto's picture

The analogy of drunk driving is perfectly appropriate and I prefer it to the seatbelt since unlike the seatbelt analogy it also involves endangering others around you, thanks Bobbob for this more suiting analogy.

Funnily enough the laws concerning drunk driving are NOT permanent, which makes it an even better analogy. The day self-driving cars reach level 5 autonomy there will no longer be a need for the drunk driving regulations that we have under their current form. The mitigation of the risk only needs to exist as long as the risk exist. Same for the COVID measures.

Even if it was permanent it is completely unreasonable to think that the drunk driving analogy somehow means that the COVID precautionary measures have to be permanent as well.

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skeptoid's picture

1. In the context that's valid drunk driving laws are permanent.

2. I think the idea that people will be allowed to get drunk in their self-driving cars is a gigantic assumption. I don't see it - the law will require that one person inside the vehicle be sober by some definition. They may relax the definition, but all of this is moot since the presence of an automated driver invalidates the analogy.


To respond to your comment below I'm not dealing in absolutes. I'm saying your assumption that this is temporary is false. I don't know if it will be permanent (my comment below reads more certain that I can be in terms of knowing), but it looks like that to me. Clearly. Same pattern as with other recent examples, such as 9/11. It's being used by the neolibs (and what remains of the neocons, which are now called "never Trumpers") the same way 9/11 was used. Biden did it several times during the debate last night.  I DO know very powerful actors would like to make it permanent, and if we let them it will be so. The threat of pandemic will be exploited from now on to accelerate various social engineering projects that do not have protecting us from pandemics as their primary focus.


What happens when 50% of the population refuses, for various reasons, to take the vaccine? That will be used to continue this, and as justification to go even deeper with it such as forced vaccination. I can see policies developing that would be permanent to prevent another "COVID disaster". You aren't concerned about any this? What happens if we actually get hit by something really serious? - something truly disastrous and not something that's simply being exploited to engineer society? An actually deadly pandemic? 

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phanto's picture

At this moment right now the physical distancing and mask wearing precautions are reasonable and effective. You can't oppose them preemtively because there is a chance that they become unreasonable and are be used for social engineering later down the road.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Can we also factor in, that any vaccine is expected to provide immunity for a 3-4mos period, max, at present, much like what we're seeing for natural immunity following infection.  After that it'll time to roll up our collective sleeves for boosters and the like. Compliance in folks 'not' at risk (whatever that is) will always be a problem. 

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phanto's picture

Skeptoid, just because some people are overdoing it doesn't give you an excuse to not do the bare minimum. There is also absolutely nothing to support your "slippery slope" argument. This is a temporary exceptional measure to a temporary exceptional situation. Your comparison of this precautionary measure to political symbols is downright silly.

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skeptoid's picture

It's not a slippery slope argument. There's no slope to slip on here - people actually believe this was a terrible crisis and life must forever change moving forward. Don't you see that new normal means permanent change. And I'm not ruling out, at all, the possibility that the mask mandates in their various forms aren't permanent. They may be as temporary as income tax and security measures at the airport - how temporary do you consider those things to be?



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phanto's picture
You keep insisting that these measures are permanent and I disagree. I have addressed this in the discussion about the drunk driving analogy. Let's continue the discussion there.
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Needless_Kane's picture

phanto, you should start a new fashion trend wearing a maxi pad for a face mask and better absorption of the virus. 

In all seriousness though, how long we gonna wear this shit in a state of fear?  Masses aren't dying and wrongful identification of death is also happening, numbers are fcked.  It's all bullshit.  Punish the masses for a select few who have issues.  Life and death, welcome to natural selection, natural world order ... or the new world order great reset.

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phanto's picture

Masses ARE dying. Over 200 000 have died already in the US alone (and I'm being conservative here) and we are looking ahead to at least 200 000 more. And this is nothing compared to all the people who will end up with life-altering permanent lung damage. It would have been a lot worse if it wasn't for the precautions that were taken. You say those numbers are exaggerated? Show me evidence.

And really? Suggesting to wear a feminine hygiene product? You just took a jab at my masculinity for daring to do my part to protect others around me. This further supports the idea that your main motivation behind all of this is because you like to make yourself believe that you're "tougher" and "more manly" than others. That's some serious insecurity right there. And yet, you can't even seem to be able to tolerate the minor discomfort of wearing a mask for a short amount of time.

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Needless_Kane's picture

lol, who's insecure, you're the germphobe.  your statistics, prove them.  hospitals lying on dockets for government $60k or whatever they are giving per covid death, nurses telling me they've been mandated to lie on the death cause or face being terminated, and doctors stating the same thing.  It's all Bullshit .  tolerate discomfort for a shot amount of time ... lol - first they said 1 month, then it's been 3 now 6 mo's later you still have that maxipad on your face phanto.


Keep wearing that maxi pad on your face, or grow up and take that stupid tampon out of your mouth and maxipad off your face like we were all born without.  Or are you one of the few with an immune disorder where you should stay protected and maximasked?

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phanto's picture

Here's the numbers https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/forecasting-us.html The US has crossed the 200K deaths mark after mid-Sept.

You claim that these numbers are manipulated. Prove it. Your hear-say isn't going to do it. Show me the evidence from a credible source. This would also mean that all of this manipulation has been happening all over the world where COVID deaths are being reported as well.


The "short" amount of time I was talking about is throughout your day, not in the actual duration of these meaures.  These basic measures of masking and keeping your distances will be around for at least a year and there was no secret about that. Show me the group of experts who said it would be away in a month.

You are aware that the precaution of wearing the mask in public mainly aims at protecting others around you right, not yourself? It isn't an act of fear, it is an act of compassion. Trying to ridicule someone for taking such a precaution is downright disgusting.

And FYI no I don't have an immune defficiency however I have a coworker whose wife is and the last thing I want is for her to die because someone couldn't be bothered to wear a mask for the 1 hour he was out doing the groceries and sets up the chain of contagion that ultimately kills her. And there are millions of people just like here all over the globe.

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Needless_Kane's picture

Like anybody believes the CDC or anybody's numbers anymore.  Prove the CDC numbers are accurate.  I've a friend who was supposed to get tested, didn't show up and they send them a letter in the mail they have Covid LOL.

Who said we would be at least a year with these masks?  If I recall it was the CDC or government stating 1 month / 3 weeks, remember?


You're missing the point phanto.  This thing is affecting people with weakened immune.  Let them take the precautions and let the healthy fight off the virus.  Don't push this crap on the healthy and masses, completely screwing the economy.

compassion goes both ways.  So these people with weakened immune (or family significant others that are around them) are going to let the masses lose their jobs, their livelihoods, their entire lifetime of work, lose their businesses, their homes.  Who's compassionate letting this happen to the healthy masses?  Just spoke to someone off work since march, with no job about to have to move in with their parents, and countless businesses closed ... for good.  What's to replace those lost jobs?  Seems like the few who were dealt a bad hand want to see the masses get fucked over after their lifetime of work.  Let your coworker social distance and mask up since they have a wife with immune deficiency.

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phanto's picture

You keep failing to bring a single piece of evidence for all your claims. Unsupported hear-say is not an acceptable source and has never been in a serious discussion. You dismiss a source like the CDC but provide no acceptable evidence to justify it. This is not how a debate works.

Now you're trying to sneak shutdowns into a discussion that has always been about wearing masks in public places.


I have lost all hope of having an actual debate with you. Go believe what you want to believe. It is obvious that there is nothing that will convince you otherwise. I just hope it won't result in you hurting others around you.

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Maxpower's picture

You probably risk more driving to work everyday than you do not wearing a mask. I'll bet 90% of the people video taped being harassed for minding their own business in a grocery store or a Walmart because they didn't wear a mask never had any disease in the first place. It was needless, busybody bullshit that gives dumb, bored people a thrill and makes them feel important.


It doesn't even make any sense from the perspective of the harasser, because they want us to believe this person is radioactive and will kill everyone in their vicinity, and yet they are going out of their way to follow them and remain in contact with this person who is clearly trying to get away from them. It resembles the modern day Twitter struggle sessions more than any earnest concern for anyone else's health.


And, as if that wasn't enough, you can 100% verify these people are full of shit about their supposed reasons for acting like an asshole because they invariably support the race riots that have been happening across the country for the passed 5 months, and have violated every rule they've laid out for dealing with this pandemic. You even had doctors and scientists signing a letter that states that racism is a much worse disease than Covid-19, so it's ok to ignore all the recomendations they give everyone else. We are living in a clown world. Truly.

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Needless_Kane's picture

The world Needs Less Kane

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Maxpower's picture

Har, har, har.  :)

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phanto's picture

0:48 he's just let it slip. He just admitted that he knows it will take a year and a half for the COVID situation to get resolved. And yet he keeps insinuating that everyone will have a vaccine soon.

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skeptoid's picture

You think having a vaccine and "the covid situation being resolved" are the same thing?

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Dagambit's picture

We have to take of the 1%, or were the 1% evil? I don't remember, I just know 99% of people who contract covid get over it with no additional complications. 

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phanto's picture

Septoid: I absolutely don't. It will take a significant amount of time after an effective and safe vaccine to be selected for that vaccine to be produced and distributed and administered in enough numbers to gain herd immunity. This will take at least a year and a half since the beginning of the pandemic at best and that's if we're lucky and we rush the crap out of the vaccine development. This is the "year and a half" he was talking about.

However if you've watched the debate, you'd know that Trump likes to make it sound like everything will happen quickly by boasting how he's got all the logistics of it sorted out with the military. Nevermind talking about actually producing the vaccine in vast enough quantities which would take way, WAY more time by itself. He knows it won't happen quickly and yet he still misleads people into thinking that it will.

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skeptoid's picture

I think COVID and its future permutations are here to stay, vaccine or no vaccine, and that you don't understand what this is ACTUALLY about. Do you think the wars that followed the 9/11 attacks were about fighting terrorism? If so, then I will understand why you think this is just temporary and a vaccine is the actual solution to the crisis. I think you've misidentified the crisis, and so have many others, and because of that it will persist without resolution.

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phanto's picture
I have covered this in the drunk driving analogy discussion. Continue the discussion there.
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