The Sherman Murders


Muchos Munchbagger's picture

whelp taking a peek back oo how ol,  SN is doing. Seems still a bit on the retarded side, but 5 outta 5 for the Duncan Trussel/Joe Rogane  meet n greet.


Where the fuck did all the more interesting  and/or  profound personalities go?

Reddit I guess oh well. I always thought that this was the childrens picture  pop up book version.

I like big thumb nails on thw front page :(

Too bad it didnt take in the end. 

awww a fucking down vote?



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skeptoid's picture

Eh left after the site was hacked and some changes were made. I'm sure he'll be back for the fifth time. Thanks for stopping in - see you again soon. 



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Muchos Munchbagger's picture


Good that you cool kids (lol) are running the show..

lol it is.

Tribal brains



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skeptoid's picture

The wonderful reality is that for the last month or so no one has been "running the show" for the first time in a long while. Probably unrelated but political tribalism has been at a low point recently, and there was also a vote that November will be "No Trump month". Sal9000 has been posting a lot of great content, and since you made the reddit comparison the departure of Grothesk has reduced good quality political debate and commentary on the site I *think* but I've been busy with a new job so I haven't been that active. Bad quality debate has been almost entirely eliminated with Eh's departure, as far as I can tell. 

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

I know more about how spiked operates better than the devs & admin #feelsbadman

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